Mermaid World: Muerta Mermaid


The Muerta Mermaid is a Special trait mermaid and known as a event mermaid in Mermaid World. That means it is an exceptionally rare, and only available for a limited time. In fact ultra rare to sing and call for, and only a few players will be able to get one of these mermaid into their game.It combines different hybrid or even three element mermaids  to create this brand new mermaid for your game using a very special combination.

This is a mermaid that represents the Dia de los Muertos special event.

This Gingery swimmer can navigate the depths as nimbly as a Harlequin.~ Game Description

Mermaid World Special Trait

Mermaid World Muerta Mermaid

Release Date: November 2 2013
Duration: 9 Days

Buying Price: 499Mermaid World Pearls
Selling Price: 1450Mermaid World Coins
Call Time:  12 Hours
Arrive Time: 12 Hours

Favorite Trinkets: Sugar Skull

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Attraction
Rating: 4.5/5 (13 votes cast)

Mermaid World: Muerta Mermaid Key Features

  • Special Trait
  • Multiple colors
  • Limited edition
  • Halloween mermaid
  • Available for 9 Days from November 1

About Muerta Mermaid

There is no confirmed combination yet. We will update page once it has been confirmed.

The Muerta Mermaid is assumed to be obtained by using the Harlequin Mermaid and Ginger Blossom mermaid. 

The sing/call time is 12 hours and the arrive time is 12 hours.

Please keep in mind that which side you select to call for the mermaid will not matter. It is up to luck and your game to give you the correct mermaid. Just continue singing until you have this mermaid in your sea.

About Trinkets
Trinkets vary from player to player. The one listed here can only be used as a guide it may not apply to your mermaid.

Mermaid World: Muerta Mermaid Evolution Guide

In Mermaid World there are no evolution for your mermaids. That means that this mermaid cannot evolve and has no stages to change from one to another.

Mermaid World: Muerta Mermaid Earnings [Per Minute]

Each set of mermaid has their own amount of earnings and trait. These earnings do not change.

8 Coins/Minute

Mermaid World: Muerta Mermaid Pictures Chart

Mermaid World Muerta Mermaid

Confirmation Video

  • noemoon

    I’m so happy ! I got her in my first try . She Is so unique, I like her

  • Mermaidshark15

    Aaah~ I can’t wait to get her! I love these weekly limited editions. Hopefully Crowdstar will make new realms!!

    • Mermaidshark15

      Oooh I just realized! The next mermaid will be the 100th mermaid. So maybe it’s gona be the Saggitarius mermaid, or Crowdstar might make a 100th celebration mermaid!! (Or sumthng else.) :D

      • Natasha

        Today when I sang for her I got 6 hours and to speed it up I needed 54 pearls! Before it was 18 pearls but now it is 54!

        • Mermaidshark15

          Oh.. Well that’s new. Maybe its cuz she’s only limited for 9 days? But yea i duno, normally it would be less than that :L

          • Katherine

            I had the same problem. I went to speed up a 12 hr and it was over 100 pearls when it used to be 36. I guess they want us spending more money. I’m just going to learn to be more patient.

  • Heathur30

    Just got the 12 hour sing time for her!! :)

    • Jasmine

      What mermaids do u sing with to get her

  • Sorady

    Oh this mermaid is a little bit difficult for me! But love her she look awesome! Can’t wait to see what her tail look like! :)

  • Queenie

    creepy. is this for Halloween? the fish version for this looks even worse. other than the make up, the costume is awesome.

  • Julie:)

    Gee, she’s hard to get. I got the Ravenna, but compared to this, Muerta is really hard to get! It only took two tries for Ravenna. :-;

  • SugarStarian

    Ugh this is so annoying I just said goodbye to Harlequin because of no space, gee thanks to Crowdstar, and now have to get Harlequin :(

  • Heathur30

    Just got her and she is very cool looking!

  • Da Mermaid Wurld Professr

    Dang. I thought I got her but I got 16:00:00 not 12:00:00. :(

    • Mermaid

      The release date is wrong. She was releaced on the 2nd november

  • Da Mermaid Wurld Professr

    Thanks Obama.

  • Amber Briley

    I’ve tried and tried. I just can’t seem to get her. Getting sad. :(

  • Brooke

    I just put the Harlequin and Ginger Blossom together and got a 10 hour sing time I hope I get her!!!!

    • SugarStarian

      It’s not her; she is 12 hours

      • Mermaid Expert

        Dear SugarStarian,
        Brooke could actually get Muerta as I did get her but, she only took 6 hour singing time and the same for arriving time.

        Hope this helps. If you have any questions just call for as, I have most mermaids. Good luck and enjoy.

        • Natasha

          I got Joie with 12 hour sing time but only 6 hour arrival time when it’s supposed to be 12 hours!

        • SugarStarian

          Oh I get it
          It could be 12 hours but maybe Brooke waited for 2 hours and then checked.
          Thanks for all your help!

    • Heathur30

      She’s a 12 hour sing and arrival time.

  • Mermaid

    Omg!!!! After 2 days of 3 and 6 hour call times, i wasn’t gonna give up then. I tried one more time and it was 12 hour call!!!!

  • Casey

    I keep getting 16hr call times and it’s proving to be very difficult to get this one… :( hope I can get her before she leaves! Fingers crossed!

    • Casey

      Yay got her! Whew! ;)

      • Natasha

        Even I got her. But I just can’t see SONJA anywhere on the cheats! Did anyone even see her yet?

        • Heathur30

          She showed up in mine this morning and I am pretty sure she is arriving now. Got a 12 hour sing time on the 2nd try and used pearls to move that along and she’s arriving now.

          • Heathur30

            Just got her!

          • M

            What mermaids did you use to get Sonja mermaid?

          • Lapupa

            What combination did you use for Sonja?