Mermaid World: Naga Mermaid


The Naga Mermaid is a Special trait mermaid and known as a event mermaid in Mermaid World. That means it is an exceptionally rare, and only available for a limited time. In fact ultra rare to sing and call for, and only a few players will be able to get one of these mermaid into their game.It combines different hybrid or even three element mermaids  to create this brand new mermaid for your game using a very special combination.

Naga travels the sea with undulating movements that call to mind dancers at a Luau. She is often found in the Tropics.~ Game Description

Mermaid World Special Trait

Mermaid World Naga Mermaid

Release Date: Jan 17, 2014
Duration: 7 Days

Buying Price: 449Mermaid World Pearls
Selling Price: 1450Mermaid World Coins
Call Time:  12 Hours
Arrive Time: 12 Hours

Favorite Trinkets: Naga Banner

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Attraction
Rating: 4.6/5 (19 votes cast)

Mermaid World: Naga Mermaid Key Features

  • Special Trait
  • Multiple colors
  • Limited edition
  • 3Rd dragon mermaid

About Naga Mermaid

There is no confirmed combination yet. We will update page once it has been confirmed.

The Naga Mermaid is assumed to be obtained by using the Luau Mermaid and Tropicana mermaid. 

The sing/call time is 12 hours and the arrive time is 12 hours.

Please keep in mind that which side you select to call for the mermaid will not matter. It is up to luck and your game to give you the correct mermaid. Just continue singing until you have this mermaid in your sea.

About Trinkets
Trinkets vary from player to player. The one listed here can only be used as a guide it may not apply to your mermaid.

Mermaid World: Naga Mermaid Evolution Guide

In Mermaid World there are no evolution for your mermaids. That means that this mermaid cannot evolve and has no stages to change from one to another.

Mermaid World: Naga Mermaid Earnings [Per Minute]

Each set of mermaid has their own amount of earnings and trait. These earnings do not change.

8 Coins/Minute

Mermaid World: Naga Mermaid Pictures Chart

Mermaid World Naga Mermaid


  • Jenn

    This combo does work. I got her the day she came out.

    • Salome

      Me to

    • anna

      How do you duy that mermaid wold game on your Ipad

    • Maria

      I used the combination and got it! She’s soooo cool!

  • lola

    i accidentally deleted mermaid world any way i can get it back without starting the game all over again??

    • AmaMyoka

      idk if u saw my comment I didnt see the reply button lol but I said:

      If u redownload it, it will ask u if u want to start where u left off. I deleted MW on purpose to test it. just as long as u still have ur Game Center account u should b fine.

  • AmaMyoka

    If u redownload it, it will ask u if u want to start where u left off. I deleted MW on purpose to test it. just as long as u still have ur Game Center account u should b fine.

  • Miumai

    Anyone else have problems with the game starting up? I haven’t been able to play all day.

    • AmaMyoka

      I’ve had that problem I just redownloaded it and it worked fine but if ur problem is fixed dont go through the trouble of redownloading

  • The Wizzy

    AWESOME !!!! She’s on her way! She’s arriving and I can tell by the shadow that it’s her:D:D:D

  • Savannah

    She had 10 hours left then I tried again and I got 10 hours. So I won’t get her at all :/

  • Jennie

    I want her so bad and have tried all day each day and no luck :-/

  • RainbowNyancat122

    I got her, it was darn easy