Mermaid World: Shadow Princess Mermaid


The Shadow Princess Mermaid is a new mermaid released on August 13, 2014’s update in Mermaid World. It is an upper tier mermaid which means it is an extremely rare mermaid to get and requires a specific combination to get and even with that combination it may take multiple tries before being able to obtain this mermaid for your game.

Where there is light, so too must there be shadow. Shadow Princess carries dark magic within the realms and maintains balance and harmony.~ Game Description

Mermaid World Shadow Princess Mermaid

Release Date: August 13, 2014

Buying Price: 2379 pearl
Selling Price: 1450Mermaid World Coins
Call Time:  ___ Hours
Arrive Time: ___ Hours

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Attraction
Rating: 4.7/5 (43 votes cast)

Mermaid World: Shadow Princess Mermaid Key Features

  • Upper Tier mermaid
  • Released August 13 2014.

About Shadow Princess Mermaid

There is no “tested” combination yet. Please comment below if you’ve been successful.

“Tested” combination section

  • Nothing yet

Sing/Call information

The sing/call time is currently UNKNOWN and the arrive time is UNKNOWN.

Please keep in mind that which side you select to call for the mermaid will not matter. It is up to luck and your game to give you the correct mermaid. Just continue singing until you have this mermaid in your sea.

About Trinkets
Trinkets vary from player to player. The one listed here can only be used as a guide it may not apply to your mermaid.

Mermaid World: Shadow Princess Mermaid Evolution Guide

In Mermaid World there are no evolution for your mermaids. That means that this mermaid cannot evolve and has no stages to change from one to another.

Mermaid World: Shadow Princess Mermaid Earnings [Per Minute]

Each set of mermaid has their own amount of earnings and trait. These earnings do not change.


  • Cupcakecookie

    this looks like it requires a prism princess (because of the word princess) and maybe using the temptress mermaid (just guessing) :/

  • Cupcakecookie

    her sister is the light princess mermaid

  • Sami

    Does ANYONE know how to get shadow princess? I really want her

    • Scarlett

      Combination of the Diamond mermaids.
      I.E. Crystalia, Amber, Diamond Swan, and Diamante.
      Therefore there’s six different combinations.

  • Jennie

    Me too :( then again I want all of them lol

  • Brenda

    She has the same trait as prism princess so my guess would be any combo with prism princess or one of the mermaids that needed prism princess in their combo.

    • Scarlett

      Combination of the Diamond mermaids.
      I.E. Crystalia, Amber, Diamond Swan, and Diamante.
      Therefore there’s six different combinations.

    • Hannah S

      Usually I combine mermaids depending on the mermaid I wants’ appearance or trait, so I reccomend:

      Prism Princess+Domino, Prism Princess+Temptress, Prism Princess+Chromia.

      I don’t have Prism Princess OR Chromia, so I can’t try any of these yet :(

      Just Some Advice.

      • Hannah S

        I have Chromia now so scratch that ;)

        • Hannah S

          Never mind, I had to sell her :(

  • Tommy

    I want her

  • sparkly unicorn

    i got her using robotica and prism princess

  • Jessica

    I need more rooms I want these new ones it sucks you have to start buying pearls I just need like two more rooms darn it

  • LadyLaura

    I wish you were able to trade mermaids (and trinkets) with friends I would trade ANY mermaid to get shadow princess shes so cool

  • Jennie

    I just did prism and diamante and got a 48 hour call time… I hope it’s shadow! Maybe it’s light princess thou. I’m not sure

  • Jennie

    I’ll let you know in 2 days lol

  • Jennie

    I just realized I could be getting another prism too :/ she’s awesome but I hope it’s a new one! Lol

    • Yani

      What did you get

    • Hannah S

      What did you get???

    • Lisa

      Do you know yet whether it was her?

    • Nicole

      I got spectra with that combo. This is annoying.

  • Pearl

    i did diamante and diamond swan and got 16hrs so idk what thats gonna get

  • Thorn

    I did Crysalia +Diamond Swan & got 48 hrs…hope it’s Shadow Princess.

    • Cupcakecookie

      are you sure?

  • Lilly

    No because light princess needed diamonte and ember so shadow princess might not even need any of the princesses it might be a combination of two different traits for example the magic trait and the diamont trait equal light princess

  • Pearl

    gonna try diamante and onyx or carbon for this one being that she is dark colored

  • Zeda

    Shadow Princess is my absolute favourite in the game

  • Matt

    Thorn what’s crystalia

  • Yurasilki

    Confirmed using crystalia and diamond swan! (60hours)

  • José Ojeda

    But haw we get Crystalia

  • Kat

    How did you get Crystalia Thank you

  • Brenda

    This is a post that I posted a while back, but here is the complete list of all the newbies.

    Combos and times all are confirmed:

    Crystallia = Chromia + Fortuna Swirls 36 hrs

    Essence = Vapor + Twinkle Tail 20 hrs

    Fae = Vapor + Calypso or Tropicana + Limelight 20 hrs

    Chromia = Sunshine + Essence 30 hrs

    Amber = Chromia + Crustacea 36 hrs

    Sunshine = Coco + Calypso 20 hrs

    Shadow Princess = Crystallia + Diamond Swan 48 hrs

    Light Princess = Amber + Diamante 48 hrs

    Zeus = Shadow Princess + Prism Princess 60 hrs

    Aphrodite = Light princess + Prism Princess 60 hrs

    Hades = Shadow Princess + Light Princess 60 hrs

    • Matt

      You never posted this Brenda I’ve been looking everywhere for this combo!!!

    • Lisa

      I Fonu’da shadow princess you need to try crystalia + essence
      48 h

    • MW

      Thank you! Been looking everywhere for some of these.

      • Hannah S

        Me too ;)

    • DatYoloDough

      For the Essance Mermaid it was also Tropica and Vapor.

    • Marceline

      For light princess everywhere else says EMBER so is it ember or AMBER?

  • Kat

    Thank you so much. Such a big help

  • Sanjihn

    Crystallia and Diamond Swan!

  • lilfaey

    Tested and confirmed crystalia and diamond swan 48hr. She looks amazing even just in the bubble !

  • José Ojeda

    O have problems with Shadow Primcess she is only 7500 and no lock but light princesss is 30k

  • Elise

    Try the midas and the koi. It worked for me on the first try! :) or the spectra with the diamanté, both work

  • RainbowNyancat122

    Tell me if you figure it out, lol

  • Sherwin

    I got shadow princess 20 try using Crystalia and Diamond swan

  • gracie ahmed

    you can get the shadow princess using crystalia and diamond swan mermaid for a 48 singing time and 48 hours arriving time

  • Guest

    Since the update in August there hasn’t been a lot of photos released about the new mermaids. This is Shadow Princess singing!

    • Guest

      try agin :-)

    • Brittney

      Try Again!

  • Lauren

    I just got Shadow Princess!! IT IS Diamond Swan and Crystallia. It’s 7500 coins. And singing time 48hrs. I questioned this combo on another site, but it worked!!