Mermaid World: Stoma Mermaid


The Stoma Mermaid is a Special trait mermaid in Mermaid World. That means it is an exceptionally rare, and only available for a limited time. In fact rare to call and only a few players will be able to breed one of these mermaid into their game. It combines different hybrid or even three element mermaids  to create this brand new mermaid for your game using a very special combination.

This mermaid is part of  the Wyld World Sirens.

They say this Coco colored shellball star’s Silver Song is the most serene of her teammates, but you’d never know it by the way she plays Bottom Swimmer.~ Game Description

Mermaid World Special Trait

Mermaid World Stoma Mermaid

Release Date: May 18 2013
Duration: 3 Days

Buying Price: 299Mermaid World Pearls
Selling Price: 1450Mermaid World Coins
Call Time:  12 Hours
Arrive Time: 12 Hours

Favorite Trinkets: Sunken Boat

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Attraction
Rating: 4.6/5 (9 votes cast)

 Mermaid World: Stoma Mermaid Key Features

  • Special Trait
  • Multiple colors
  • Limited edition

About Stoma Mermaid

There is no confirmed combination yet. We will update page once it has been confirmed.

The Stoma Mermaid is assumed to be obtained by using the Coco Mermaid and Silver Song mermaid. Combination has been confirmed.

The sing/call time is 12 hours and the arrive time is 12 hours.

Please keep in mind that which side you select to call for the mermaid will not matter. It is up to luck and your game to give you the correct mermaid. Just continue singing until you have this mermaid in your sea.

About Trinkets
Trinkets vary from player to player. The one listed here can only be used as a guide it may not apply to your mermaid.

Mermaid World: Stoma Mermaid Evolution Guide

In Mermaid World there are no evolution for your mermaids. That means that this mermaid cannot evolve and has no stages to change from one to another.

Mermaid World: Stoma Mermaid Earnings [Per Minute]

Each set of mermaid has their own amount of earnings and trait. These earnings do not change.

8 Coins/Minute

Mermaid World: Stoma Mermaid Pictures Chart

 Mermaid World Stoma Mermaid

Confirmation Video

  • Haley

    Hey where is everybody. IM FIRST

    • Poohiepoop

      Haley what a lot of comments you type

      • Poohiepoop

        I got her on the 2nd try that’s a luck!!

      • Haley


      • Haley

        I just got a lot of stuff to say.

      • Haley

        Poohiepoop Kelsey said you are our fave peep :)

        • Poohiepoop

          Awe! Thank you no one ever say that to me!

          • Poohiepoop

            Cause, I get shy whenever I talk to people in person.
            But in one of this I get kind to them.

    • Grace

      Hey how do you get the Gemini twins

      • Poohiepoop

        I got gemini on the first try

        • Haley

          Poohiepoop which twin did you get and how did you get it?

  • Haley

    For all of you who didn’t know that Kelsey the creator of the cupcake mermaid has joined gameteep. Well I’m telling it to you now. Her comments so far are on Rose Gold’s page.

  • Haley

    If I don’t get Stoma I will SCREAM. Really Loudly

    • Haley

      LOL I should’ve said scream and shout and let it all out

  • Haley

    Is it good or bad that Stoma looks like lady gaga

    • Haley

      With all that black and stuff

      • Haley

        What would you do if when you put Stoma in one of your realms she started singing RA RA aaa RA ma RA RA MA GA Ga Ooh la la want your bad romance

        • Clarice

          Yeah.That would be awesome.You know you can listen to music and play mermaid world it will actually allow you to.

          • Haley

            No, Cause then the game music will play and the song that you turned on will play.

          • Haley

            Omg it works!!!!! Try this out people!!!!! Maybe if I put on music then the mermaids I want will come to me cause they like the songs!!! Thanks Clarice!

            Ps You and your sis should delete Fish With Attitude

          • Haley

            Or she started singing……..
            I was Born this way hey I was born this way hey I’m on the right track baby I was born this way hey

          • Clarice

            I did delete fish with attitude behind my sister’s back she doesn’t mind at all.

          • Haley

            You can play it cause I’m guessing your old enough. Did you read my long comment under the list about fish with attitude?

          • Haley

            I’m going to name my Stoma mermaid Clarice!

          • Clarice

            Yep.I sure did.

          • Clarice

            You know what’s unusual I have a mermaid named Clarice too.It’s Ember.So,I named my profile name after her because she was my favorite and she still is.

        • Haley

          Guess what I heard on the radio. RA RA ah ah ah RA ma RA RA ma ga ga ooh la la want your bad romance

          • Haley

            So is your real name Clarice?

          • Clarice


            2.)Is your real name Haley?

            3.)I just wanted to know.

          • Haley

            Yes my real name is Haley. What’s your real name?

  • patricia

    I’ve got her on my 2nd try….

    • Haley

      Your lucky Have to wait 5 hours to try again for this mermaid and Sprindle

  • Marcie

    My sliver song mermaid is shadowed out and I can’t sing with her what do I do now and why are some of my mermaids shadowed and some aren’t !!!!

    • DaJensta

      Marcie, when your mermaids are shadowed out, it means that they are already singing or they are asleep in their realm. You will first have to go to the realm where they are located and tap on them or put bubbles around them to wake them up before you can sing with them. Good luck getting Stoma!

      • Clarice

        Or exploring.

        • jester

          I have the same problem. They are not singing, asleep or exploring but I am still not able to chose them to sing.

          • Clarice


          • Poohiepoop

            I got that issue also with my mermaids, but they are not anymore shadowed out cause what i do is recall them. The same problem with coco and koi! I recall them then it wok,
            I know it’s hard to get them but, if you really want to use them, call them again!

          • Ashzebra

            I’ve read that if you put your mermaid straight from the summit when you call her to the lounge instead of a realm, they become bugged and can’t sing and you have to recall them.

          • Michael

            If your mermaid is unhappy (she’s in a realm with an incompatible mermaid) they will not want to sing. Check their mood :)

  • Sugarstarian

    She kind of looks like Carcha…

    • Haley

      Uh oh did they run out of ideas again!

  • Lolo22168

    Her hair looks kinda like frankenstein bride

    • Haley


  • Mermaidluvr

    I absoulty luuuuuv this mermaid haha !!!! :p

  • Jarek

    I neeeeedddd herrr,

    • Haley

      Aren’t you one of those people who always gets the LE mermaids on the first try? What’s wrong won’t she come into your realm?

      • Haley

        Don’t wanna answer?

        • Jarek

          Uggg I just summoned her I got lots of LE but I barley get them on the first try my Jade mermaid was luck when she came back for 1 day

          • Haley

            I almost never get them on the first try.

  • Kendra

    Got her on my 1st try!

  • Haley

    Bye Bye gotta check on the Do not list

  • Qandisha

    Got her with 3rd try^^

  • patricia

    Is it possible to call sugar star again… i’ve lost her while sending her to look for treasure..

  • Haley

    Guess what everybody, I’m getting Stoma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    To celebrate………. RA RA ah ah ah RA ma RA RA ma ga ga Ooooh la la want your bad romance!!!

    • Haley

      Now on to Sprindle…

      • Haley

        Goin on her page right now!

    • Clarice

      I’m celebrating for you too,so I’m listening to Bad Romance right now!

      • Thunder Claw

        I just got spindle this morning, but it took me a while. I was keep on getting aqua.

        • Haley

          If I get Sprindle then i’m going to invite my baby cousin Julia over. Cause her last name is Prindle LoL

  • Kate

    I sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    Need this mermaid

    • Haley

      Good Luck!!! Hope you get her!!!

  • Haley

    Hey peeps, Any luck getting her?

  • Haley

    My mermaids are going to sing some more then she will take 12 hours to arrive. Then she will be placed into my NEW realm. Got a lot of space

  • Haley

    Stoma is WONDERFUL

    • Ashzebra

      1st and 2nd try=Sliver Song, 3rd=Belladonna,
      4th= Stoma!!! Yay (:

      • Haley

        Yay!!!!! But now U have to wait that long wait!!

  • Alex

    Finally after 5 tries I got her !!!!!!

  • Haley

    Waiting that loooooong wait 11:59:59

  • Jarek

    Haley u make me laffe. Cant spell time to time

    • Haley


  • Haley

    I am waiting for a mermaid that looks like Nelly Furtado! Does anyone know who she is? She sings “I’m like a bird”

    • Jarek


    • Clarice

      Who’s the Mermaid that looks like Nelly Furtado?Is Spindle or Taurus?

      • Haley

        I’m waiting for a mermaid to come out that looks like Nelly furtado. Since they did one that looks like Lady Gaga

  • Mailo123

    Tried on first try and got her,now why not Carcha?!

  • Haley

    Clarice my Stoma mermaid finally arrived! And she is BEAUTIFUL.

  • Maskette

    Eeeeeek she sooo pretty>u< ~<3! She was crazy easy too. Wish I could say the same about those star mermaids ;w;

  • miku

    there’s a twin mermaid gemini mermaid pink and purple hair

  • miku

    there’s a twin mermaid gemini mermaid pink and purple hair may 21 3013

    • Haley

      Is your zodiac sign Gemini? If it is then you MUST get her

      • Haley

        I mean them LOL

  • miku

    there’s a two mermaid gemini mermaid pink and purple hair may 21 3013

  • Grape_juice

    Help i neeeed the Gemini mermaid anyone know the combination(s)?!?!??!

    • Haley

      Mermaid expert or Clarice or anybody please respond. I am stumped on how to get these twins! Cause they have the same description!

      • Marceline

        The new twins are celestia and twinkletail I’m pretty sure:)

      • Ashzebra

        I was guessing to myself that it’s similar to guilded mermaids (not that they have to be ecstatic) that you could get 1 out of 2 versions of a mermaid from the same combo.

  • Haley

    Why don’t the Gemini Twins have a page?

    • Ashzebra

      I don’t have a “Tails” mermaid. ):

      • Haley

        Tails is Twinkle Tail

  • roger

    DIDN’T GET STOMA! tried and tried and tried, so sad. :(

  • Lilietta

    I got her with charming violet and sea dragon

  • RainbowNyancat122

    How odd her eyes look :3