Mermaid World: Virgo Mermaid


The Virgo Mermaid is a Special trait mermaid and known as a zodiac mermaid in Mermaid World. That means it is an exceptionally rare, and only available for a limited time. In fact ultra rare to sing and call for, and only a few players will be able to get one of these mermaid into their game.It combines different hybrid or even three element mermaids  to create this brand new mermaid for your game using a very special combination.

This is a zodiac mermaid that represents the Virgo Zodiac Sign.

If you hope to catch a Glimmer of this siren’s Silversong, act quickly! The stars have a habit of shifting….~ Game Description

Mermaid World Special Trait

Mermaid World Virgo Mermaid

Release Date: August 24 2013
Duration: 30 Days

Buying Price: 499Mermaid World Pearls
Selling Price: 1450Mermaid World Coins
Call Time:  12 Hours
Arrive Time: 12 Hours

Favorite Trinkets: Virgo Rune

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Attraction
Rating: 4.6/5 (22 votes cast)

Mermaid World: Virgo Mermaid Key Features

  • Special Trait
  • Multiple colors
  • Limited edition
  • Zodiac mermaid
  • Available for 30 Days from August 24
  • Represent players born the the Virgo zodiac

About Virgo Mermaid

There is no confirmed combination yet. We will update page once it has been confirmed.

The Virgo Mermaid is assumed to be obtained by using the Silver Song Mermaid and Glimmer Rose mermaid. 

The sing/call time is 12 hours and the arrive time is 12 hours.

Please keep in mind that which side you select to call for the mermaid will not matter. It is up to luck and your game to give you the correct mermaid. Just continue singing until you have this mermaid in your sea.

About Trinkets
Trinkets vary from player to player. The one listed here can only be used as a guide it may not apply to your mermaid.

Mermaid World: Virgo Mermaid Evolution Guide

In Mermaid World there are no evolution for your mermaids. That means that this mermaid cannot evolve and has no stages to change from one to another.

Mermaid World: Virgo Mermaid Earnings [Per Minute]

Each set of mermaid has their own amount of earnings and trait. These earnings do not change.

8 Coins/Minute

Mermaid World: Virgo Mermaid Pictures Chart

 Mermaid World Virgo Mermaid FULL

Confirmation Video

  • Husna nadhirah

    Yes I got the Virgo mermaid if the game doesn’t even crash

    • Petal

      What and how many LE mermaids do u have? So far I have 12 Joie,Mint,Stella Star,Sugar Star,Spindle Star,Sakura,Plume,Sylvan,Leo,Virgo,Cherry and Bahama Star!

      And what mystery base traits have u got? I have all apart from Prism Princess,Shimmer,Mettalia and Spectra!

      • Diamond Diamante

        I have only VIRGO and she is steel arriving

      • Charlize

        Only have Joie as limeted edition

  • Abby

    Its actually works I got it my second time

    • Abby

      Hmm I am getting I my IT doesn’t work

      • Abby

        I mean it doesn’t work I’m getting inky :(

        • Haleykitty

          Hi Abby I have a friend in school named Abby

  • Casey

    Wow, she’s beautiful! Hope to get her soon! :)

    • Casey

      Yay!!!! I got her on my 3rd try!!! 8D

      • Diamond Diamante

        I got her on 32nd try

  • Thunder Claw

    I love collecting zodiac mermaids cuz of the crowns and their tails. :) hope to get her soon!

  • mermaidshark15

    Finally!!! XD I’ll call her now!

  • MoulinRouge78

    The hint is perfect, although I am still trying! Also can’t seem to get Robata, trying her for weeks now! :-/

    • Haleykitty

      I can’t get her

      • Haleykitty

        I keep getting inky

    • Kitty

      Same here,but I have been trying to get robata for 3 month but I got all the mermaids past her but two

  • MysticalSnowdrop

    Got her on my second try. One more hour to go until she arrives!!!

    • Haleykitty

      Your lucky!!!! The game just doesn’t want me to get her :(

  • MermaidLelly

    First try!!!!!! Glimmer Rose and Silver Song. 10hrs and she will be here :)

    • Haleykitty

      Hurray 4 u!!!!

    • Kitty

      It takes 12hours not 10

      • MermaidLelly

        She arrived in 10hrs for me!

  • SugarStarian

    Wow she is like really pretty! I knew Virgo will be pretty!

  • Samarah

    Got her on my second try

  • Toast

    Hi I need silver smurf

    • Haleykitty


      • Haleykitty

        Why did u call her a smurf

  • Toast

    I mean silver song!!!!

  • Haleykitty

    Wish me luck!!!! I’m gonna try for her

    • Thorn

      Of course! Sending you lots of luck & good vibes your way!

  • Bear lover

    I just started my 28th try…no Virgo! Very frustrating!!! Am using Glimmer Rose and Silver Song as suggested…

    • Random person

      I got her on my 32nd try so just keep trying!!!! I’m literally broke but its worth it!!!

      • Haleykitty

        and there’s only 14 days left now so u gotta act fast

  • Heathur30

    I have been trying for days and cannot get her! :(

    • Font

      I have tried 34 times and I still haven’t get Virgo!!!!!!!!!

      • Heathur30

        I tried forever too and finally got her. I made them both the same happiness and then it only took a handful more tries.

  • Heathur30

    Is there some trick to calling her that I am missing? I am using Glimmer Rose and Silversong and they are both very happy but call every mermaid but Virgo.

  • SugarStarian

    My friend got Virgo! Ughhhh come on Virgo I’ve been trying for her for a very long time !!

    • Haleykitty

      I just don’t think I’ll get her at this rate :(

  • Catt

    I’m a Virgo. I must have this

    • Highlighting

      How do u know if your a Virgo?? I am related to Pocahontas. I am not joking

      • Haleykitty

        Is Pocahontas your ancestor or something?

  • Meowcat

    I got her but then my game crashed and she disappeared :(

    • Haleykitty

      How rude of the game!

  • Charlize

    I have been trying for weeks I can’t get her I’m getting heaps of different mermaids but never swapped I just used silver song and glimmer rose in this order

    • Petal

      I used the other way and tried for 4 days and I finally got her! She is so pretty on the inside and out! I wish I was a Virgo instead of a Cancer!

  • Charlize

    I got the Joie easily though.

  • Heathur30

    I finally got her after about a week of trying!

  • Luna

    I keep trying silver song and glimmer rose but I keep getting carbon night :(

  • CCmerkitty

    I keep getting 5 hours 45min :( HELP!?

    • Haleykitty

      I ALWAYS get those calling times!! she only has 14 days left and i wasn’t able to try for her cuz I’m busy

    • Petal

      Same!!!!!!!!!!!! But I kept on singing and singing and then I got her. You must have faith in yourself and know that u are a true star and that u can do anything! If u think u are a loser then obviously u can NOT do anything!

      • Petal

        Oh and one more thing I don’t really have any friends here on mermaid world cheats. I would really like to have some u know. I am on level 30 and I can give u guys some help. So does anyone want to be my friend?

        • SugarStarian

          Hi I’m Sugarstarian!

          • Petal

            Hi, can we be friends?

          • SugarStarian

            Sure ^.^

    • Charlize

      Usually same either that or I get a coral

  • Highlighting

    I am a Virgo!!!!!! I must have her!!

  • Izel v

    Got her sooo easy although she’s not that pretty but I like her crown

  • Haleykitty

    I’m sorry i haven’t been on in a while. On the weekdays I’m really busy with school work and stuff

    • Haleykitty

      Also i can’t get Virgo

      • SugarStarian

        I’m with you. I’m just going to keep trying

  • SugarStarian

    Yes! I finally got Virgo after all those tries!

  • Haleykitty

    I still can’t get her! I get every singing time except for Virgo!! This combo is NOT working out right

    • SugarStarian

      Just keep trying until she’s gone u might get her I tried like, a million times too.

      • Natasha

        You’re so sweet….

  • Sally

    I tried silver song and glimmer rose and I got 16 hrs
    Whats that?

    • Random person

      Same. I hope we get her still’

  • Charlize

    I’ve been trying for 4 week still don’t have her well I actually dunno how long I’ve been trying but started on 30 day to 4 days not a lie this is so HARD >:(

  • jana

    el joc es mol xulu pero si es poges jugar seria millor!!!!!

  • Charrlie

    My app keeps crashing when I try to put her in a realm