Nov 172012

The gameplay is similar to side-scrolling flying games but there are different modes that make it enjoyable. One of the popular modes is the endless mode which is very familiar to endless runner games except you’re flying. Classic Mode on the other hand is just trying to make your way to the end of the line on the right side but there will be enemies trying to tackle you down and stop you from reaching your destination.

Mighty Mouse My Hero icon

Great parts of this game is the Mighty Mouse design, and we all know why. If you don’t then it’s because he looks like Superman but a mouse version! Watching this mouse fly will definitely put a smile to kids and is a great game for any member of the family.

You can customize your Might Mouse in a number of costumes and on top of that, while you are playing the game you can obtain power-ups to do some really shocking moves that will make you want to see what other things this Mouse in tights is capable of. Pick up the game free for both iPhone/iPod Touch and the iPad version for FREE today. It’s only available for a limited time.

We have included the direct link below so check it out if you think it’s something you’ll like. Below are also the screenshots released by the creators.

  • MIGHTY MOUSE My Hero iPhone/iPod Touch Version Download
  • MIGHTY MOUSE My Hero HD iPad/iPad Mini Version Download

Mighty Mouse My Hero Official Image 1Mighty Mouse My Hero Official Image 2Mighty Mouse My Hero Official Image 3Mighty Mouse My Hero Official Image 4Mighty Mouse My Hero Official Image 5

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