It looks like Dragon Story isn’t the only “story” with a Turkey creature available for breeding. Monster Story has been updated with the Gobbledegoo Monster for Thanksgiving as well, and we’re grateful for all the great monsters, dragons, and animals being introduced into the game. That’s because we simply love their adorable designs!
The Gobbledegoo Monster is another great animal to have in your Monster Story island so lets get started with breeding this monster in your Monster Story game.
How to breed Gobbledegoo Monster (Learn more)
The monster itself is a hybrid monster, we’re not sure if it’s limited edition or not but there’s no indication that its here for a limited time. Regardless, the monster holds the elements of Red(Fire) and Yellow (Air). This means you need to be at least level 7 to be able to breed for this monster because level 7 is when the Red-type of monster is unlocked.
To breed this monster, we recommend using a Fire Fox Monster and an Dream Bird Monster for the best chance to breed for this Gobbledegoo Monster. The breeding time is 9 hours and so is its hatching time.
The breeding time for the Gobbledegoo Monster is 9 Hours. Breeding of the monsters left or right does not matter or make a difference. It is up to the the luck of your game to give you a Gobbledegoo Monster.
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- breeding goggledegoo monster in monster story
- gobbledegoo
- monster story gobledegoo
- breed gobbledegoo
- gobbledegoo monster
- gobbledegoo monster monster story
- how to breed goggledegoo bird in monster story
- how to breed the turkey thing in monster story
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