Dec 072012

Did you forget about Monster Story? Well we hope you didn’t because there’s a Sea Rex Monster in the game now and it’s certainly one monster you want to get for your monster isles.

Monster Story Sea Rex Monster baby

The Sea Rex monster takes after the Tree Rex monster. It looks very similar to one another but the Sea Rex looks more like a sea creature than earth. In it’s epic form, the  monster has scales around it’s body and it has fins for arms. So it’s definitely not the same creature but does come from the same breed since it’s figure looks very similar.

How to breed Sea Rex Monster

If you want to breed the Sea Rex monster, you must first remember that it’s rated as Super Rare. The difficulty of getting the monster is rare and if you get one on your first try, you’re lucky. If not then you need to continue to breed using the combination below until you do get him.

The combination to breeding the Sea Rex Monster is using a Tree Rex monster and a Blue Blob monster. The breeding time is 8 hours.

Keep in mind that getting monsters is very much up to your luck in the game. How you select the monster or what level they are will not affect your chances. Good luck!

This page is about...

  • how to breed a searex
  • how to breed sea rex monster story
  • sea rex breeding time

  9 Responses to “Monster Story: How to breed Sea Rex Monster”

  1. All add me: swiftyop

  2. I got it on my first try!

  3. Add me im on daily

  4. Snkaggs im on daily add Me

  5. Snkaggs

  6. All add me: Mohd678

  7. I used: Tree Rex + Blue Blob
    (Lvl 4). + (Lvl 4)
    And it took 18 hours,what will i get?

  8. Addme : Luisfer96

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