Monster Story: Magmadillo Monster


The Magmadillo Monster in Monster Story was released on February 14 2013 and is a hybrid White and Red monster.

“If you want to spot a Magmadillo, you’ll need to hike to an active volcano; Magmadillos are most comfortable when bathing in lava. If you insist on having one on your island and you are not volcano-adjacent, make sure you have plenty of heating pads and a charcoal-burning grill nearby.” - Monster Story: Magmadillo Dragon Description

 Monster Story White Sand ElementMonster Story Fire Red Element

Monster Story Magmadillo Monster

Release Date: Feb 14 2013

Rarity: Super Rare

Hatching Time: 21 Hours
Buying Price:  990Monster Story Gold icon
Selling Price: 100 Monster Story Coin
Habitat: Red, White

Evolution Time : 21 Hours

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

 Monster Story: Magmadillo Monster Key Features

  • White and Red elements

Monster Story: Magmadillo Monster breeding guide

To breed the Magmadillo Monster, simply select a Shell Lizard Monster and a Fire Fox Monster in your breeding garden and breed these two monsters together.

The breeding garden can be found in the market section of the market and you are to be at least level 5 to breed the Magmadillo Monster because that’s when the breeding garden unlocks.

Alternatively you can breed any Red or White monsters together for a chance to get the Magmadillo Monster.

Please keep in mind that breeding left or right does not matter. The level of your monster also does not matter. It is up to chance of your game to give you the correct breeding time of the Magmadillo Monster.

Monster Story: Magmadillo Monster Evolution Guide

The Monster Story Magmadillo will have four forms. To evolve the Magmadillo Monster in Monster Story you must harvest and feed it food.

He will evolve into his second form at the end of level 3 through the Evolution Totem. Once you have leveled him to the end of  level 6 you will need to use the Evolution Totem where you will need to further evolve him for the Adult form.

Once you have an adult Magmadillo Monster you can evolve him once more at the end of level 9 where you will get the Magmadillo Mosnter’s amazing Epic form for Monster Story.

Monster Story: Magmadillo Monster Earnings [Per Hour]

Level Earnings Level Earnings
Level 1 375 Level 6  1800
Level 2  600 Level 7  2137
Level 3  787 Level 8 2418
Level 4  1125 Level 9  2700
Level 5  1462 Level 10  3000

Monster Story: Magmadillo Monster Food/Feed Amount Chart

Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1  2 Level 6  260
Level 2  10 Level 7  650
Level 3  20 Level 8 1300
Level 4  55 Level 9 2500
Level 5  130 Level 10 MaxMonster Story Food icon

Monster Story Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Egg Baby Teen Adult Epic
 Monster Story Magmadillo Monster Egg  Monster Story Magmadillo Monster Adult  Monster Story Magmadillo Monster Epic

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