Blaze Wizard Guide
In Maplestory Cygnus Knights, the Blaze Wizard is an extremely fun class that plays almost like all mages. It will be difficult at the beginning because of the lack of skills for the Blaze Wizard but when you get further into the game and obtain Meteor Show it’s the best class compared to the Cygnus Knight. To start off the Blaze Wizard you want to use skills like Magic Claw, just like the computer game. After that just continue following the guide to build your Blaze Wizard in Maplestory Cygnus Knight to become the Ultimate Blaze Wizard!
Suggested Skills
Magic Claw – 1 Point or Max
Meteor Shower [Best Skill] – Definitely Max
Flame Gear – 1 Point or Max
Fire Pillar – 1 Point or Max
MP Boost – Max
Spell Booster – Max
Magic Mastery – Max
Element Amplification – Max
—- Not required but fun
True Flame
Hi, may I ask if you could post a more detailed walk through, cause I was stucked at the master of disguise for super long and it was sheer luck before I could kill him. So the main point is to help those that are stucked on the way. Oh ya. Your guide until now is currently useful too. Thanks alot! 😀