Jun 252013

Mushroom Wars is a real-time strategy game that was originally released as a digital content download through Playstation in 2009. This time, it’s back on the market and available as a free downloadable mobile game for Apple devices. Mushroom Wars is a simple strategy game that is exceptionally fun for players that enjoy a relaxing strategy game for the mind – and people that like capture the flag or terrain conquering games.

Mushroom Wars Mini Review Screen

 Gameteep 5 stars rating

Mushroom Wars Mini icon

App Name: Mushroom Wars Mini
Seller: SMS Services O.o.o.

Release Date:
May 09, 2013Android OS

Genre: Arcade
Gameteep Rating: 5/5

Platform: Apple iOS

Gamer Rating

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Rating
Rating: 2.5/5 (2 votes cast)

Mushroom Wars Mini Gameplay

The gameplay of Mushroom Wars is straight to the point and simple: to overtake the enemies’ mushroom kingdom. There’s no back story or plot just straight up missions. That means you’ll have to learn the ropes on the spot through gameplay.


There’s not really a lot to learn except that you need to drag one kingdom to another to send out your army of mushrooms. Once you get the hang of that, everything is set for you to expand your kingdom. Oh, don’t forget you can upgrade your kingdoms so you can hold more mushrooms by double tapping on it when there’s an upgrade arrow. The upgrade arrow appears when you maxed out your current kingdom. When players have to overtake an enemy base, the base will have a number above it. The more you upgrade the faster your kingdom will generate your army.

For example, if the number is 15 on a different color kingdom, that means that players will need to accumulate 15 or more soldiers and deploy them to the base all at once in order to overtake it. Sometimes players will have to gather soldiers into one mushroom village from several in order to do this. Every mission has the same objective and players have to follow the same strategy, just tweaking it based on the layout of the map and the specific objective of the game.

Mushroom Wars Mini Graphics

The graphics in Mushroom Wars are almost as simple as the gameplay. They are cell-shaded graphics drawn in an Anime-like style.  The cartoon-ish feel of them makes the game itself a fun, light-hearted game.

This is one game where most players will agree that graphics don’t really matter. It’s about the gameplay and to be honest extreme focus on graphics would ruin the game.

Mushroom Wars Mini Sounds

The soundtrack in this game is extremely smoothing. It’s calm and peaceful music will make you enjoy the game and will not disrupt you from thinking up your strategy.

Mushroom Wars Mini Round-up

Overall, Mushroom Wars is an excellent mobile strategy game for players of any caliber. It’s simple to play controls and objective makes the game great for on the go gaming without stressing too much on each level of the game.

I’ve always been a fan of defense, capture the flag, and kingdom games so having a look at Mushroom Wars Mini is definitely a plus for my Apple device – and my library of games.

Bottom line: It’s like defense, capture the flag, and all the good stuff to a strategy game combined in one.

Mushroom Wars Mini Screenshots

Mushroom Wars Mini Screenshot 2
Mushroom Wars Mini Screenshot 3
Mushroom Wars Mini Screenshot 4
Mushroom Wars Mini Screenshot 5
Mushroom Wars Mini Screenshot 6
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Mushroom Wars Mini Screenshot 9
Mushroom Wars Mini Screenshot 10
Mushroom Wars Mini Screenshot 11
Mushroom Wars Mini Screenshot 12
Mushroom Wars Mini Screenshot 13

Overview of Rating

Review Rating
  • Simply gameplay for on the go players
  • very smoothing music
  • Addictive for players that loves strategy games
  • Defense and capture the flag feel

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