My Singing Monsters: Fwog Monster


The Fwog Monster in My Singing Monsters is a hybrid monster in My Singing Monsters. The monster requires 2 bed and is of the Fwog Species. It looks very much like a frog combined with elements of the Toe Jammer

“Emerging from its muddy birthplace, the Fwog sings passionately in the hope of attracting a companion. Its hypnotic call fills the air, stirring the most primal feelings of excitement in all monsters. ” - My Singing Monsters: Fwog Monster Biography

 My Singing Monsters - Water ElementMy Singing Monsters - Earth Element

My Singing Monsters Fwog Monster

Release Date:
August 22 2012

Egg Design:

My Singing Monsters Fwog Monster Egg


Rhythm Type:

Release Version:


Breeding Time:

30 minutes

Beds Required:

Buying Price:

30My Singing Monsters - Diamonds

Selling Price:
4250My Singing Monsters - Coins

Level Requirement:  4

 My Singing Monsters: Fwog Monster Key Features

  • Frog Design
  • A Singing type monster

My Singing Monsters: Fwog Monster breeding guide

The Fwog Monster is a hybrid monster that requires two different elements to breed for. You must first obtain the breeding structure at level 7 to be able to breed for this Fwog Monster. Without the breeding structure, you can also purchase this monster for diamonds.

To breed for the Fwong Monster you must use the elements of Earth and the elements of Water to get the Fwog Monster. The recommended combinations for breeding this monster is using the Noggin Monster and the Toe Jammer Monster.

Keep in mind that breeding the monsters left or right does not matter. And that if you are not getting the monsters then you must continue trying until your game gives you the correct breeding time. Breeding is ultimately up to chance and you may get multiple monsters depending on their rarity.

My Singing Monsters: Fwog Monster Evolution Guide

As we know it, there’s no physical evolution in the monsters for My Singing Monsters. Your income rate will increase along with your max income capacity.

My Singing Monsters: Fwog Monster Earnings [Per Minute]

The level of the monsters can go beyond level 10 but as the cost of food doubles per level we’ll only document up to level 10 to gain a understanding to which is the best monster to breed for.

Level Earnings
Level 1 Level 6  24
Level 2 Level 7  28
Level 3 Level 8  32
Level 4  16 Level 9  36
Level 5  20 Level 10  40

Max income rate per level

Level Max Earning
Max Earnings
Level 1 Level 6  1080
Level 2 Level 7  1260
Level 3 Level 8  1440
Level 4  720 Level 9  1620
Level 5  900 Level 10  1800

My Singing Monsters: Fwog Monster Food Chart

Feeding food to your monsters in My Singing Monsters will allow your monsters to increase their max coins and increase the income rate they are earning.

Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1 Level 6  160
Level 2 Level 7  320
Level 3 Level 8  640
Level 4  40 Level 9  1280
Level 5  80 Level 10  2560


  • Moo

    My fwogs are not muted, but for some reason they’re not singing. Their mouths are moving but there is no sound

    • Teddy

      Do u want free diamonds if u do go to options then go to submit refferal then type in this code to get free diamonds, 3489391CF. Also check out my island I have a ghast on the ethereal island and all sorts of other cool monsters. Also please put a like on my islands.

    • Lauren

      Hi All,

      Want 5 free diamond? if you go to options and the click on referral and enter my code 3162789GH we will both get 5 free diamonds. LETS HELP EACHOTHER! Good luck!


    • Faith

      When u move it on the left corner at the bottom there is a volume slide thing slide that to the volume u want it.

  • vici

    what is the mystery like

    • K.B

      Oaktopus on water island, spurrit statue on air island.

  • Lauren

    Please add me as a friend. 3162789gh

    Also, if u click on options and then add my number in referral we will both get 5 FREEE DIAMONDS!!! Lets help each other!!

  • Kris

    Please add me as a friend! Code:

  • Jax

    Hey add my code ! – 6159095gn :) also go to options and add my code as a referral and we both get 5 diamonds :) !!

  • Michelle

    Thanks for the info! Please add me as a friend:

  • Kristina

    What is the mystery like for the plant island?

  • Kun

    How to breed fwog and noggin on cold island? They’re needed to breed other monsters but I don’t know how to do it on cold island, can someone help me please?

  • Jeff

    If you want 5 free diamonds go to options while your on the game and go to submit referral code and type in 13560580NG