My Singing Monsters: Humbug Monster


The Humbug Monster in My Singing Monsters is a special monster that can be bred, and it is the first of a new class of monsters in the game and has a new green apocalypse symbol. It first appeared on February 19 2014.

“Species: Humbug
Beds: 5

The humbug is the incarnation of the misunderstood ethereal element of poison. When it buzzes its wings fast enough, it can open up and glide on supersonic dimensional highways from universe to universe. Humbugs naturally enjoy warn weather, and are drawn to humid places where the hum produced by their wings has the finest tone.

- My Singing Monsters: Humbug Monster Biography

My Singing Monsters apocalypse symbolMy Singing Monsters Humbug Monster


Special Edition

Release Date:
February 19 2014

Egg Design:

My Singing Monsters Humbug Monster egg


Rhythm Type:


Ultra Rare

Breeding Time:  

36 Hours

Beds Required: 5

Buying Price:

1,000 diamonds

Selling Price:
750,000My Singing Monsters - Coins

User Rating

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 3.8/5 (18 votes cast)

 My Singing Monsters: Humbug Monster Key Features

  • Special-type Monster
  • Humbug  monster
  • 36 hours  breeding time.
  • Level 9+
  • Earth Island

My Singing Monsters: Humbug Monster breeding guide

You must first obtain the breeding structure at level 7 to be able to breed for this Humbug Monster. Without the breeding structure, you can also purchase this monster for diamonds.


There is a 1% chance to get the Humbug Monster and exactly 4 combinations. Combinations not tested!

  • Quarrister Monster + PomPom Monster
  • Quarrister Monster + Thumpies Monster
  • Quarrister Monster + Clamble Monster
  • Quarrister Monster + Reedling Monster


Keep in mind that breeding the monsters left or right does not matter. And that if you are not getting the monsters then you must continue trying until your game gives you the correct breeding time. Breeding is ultimately up to chance and you may get multiple monsters depending on their rarity.

My Singing Monsters: Humbug Monster Evolution Guide

As we know it, there’s no physical evolution in the monsters for My Singing Monsters. Your income rate will increase along with your max income capacity.

My Singing Monsters: Humbug Monster Earnings [Per Minute]

Rates have boosted attributes.

Level Earnings Level Earnings Earnings
Level 1  17 Level 6  83 Level 11  153
Level 2 Level 7  97  Level 12  167
Level 3  42 Level 8 112  Level 13  182
Level 4  56 Level 9  126  Level 14  196
Level 5  70 Level 10  140  Level 15  196

Max income rate per level

Level Max Earning Level Max Earnings Max Earnings
Level 1  25,000 Level 6  120,000 Level 11  220,000
Level 2  36800 Level 7  140,000  Level 12  240,000
Level 3  60000 Level 8  160,000  Level 13  260,000
Level 4  80000 Level 9  180,000  Level 14  280,000
Level 5  100000 Level 10  200,000  Level 15  280,000

My Singing Monsters: Humbug Monster Food Chart

Feeding food to your monsters in My Singing Monsters will allow your monsters to increase their max coins and increase the income rate they are earning.

Level Food Req. Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1  20 Level 6  640   Level 11  20,480
Level 2  40 Level 7  1,280  Level 12  40,960
Level 3  80 Level 8  2560  Level 13  81,920
Level 4  160 Level 9  5,120  Level 14  163,840
Level 5  320 Level 10  10,240  Level 15  327,680

Confirmation Video


  • Daminium

    Got it second try with Quarrister+Reedling combo.

    • QueenBee

      The same for me! But now I want a second one (to teleport) & I’ve wasted well over 100 diamonds lighting all 10 torches each time. Now it won’t fricken give it to me again!!! Grrr…

  • Geoffro

    Ahh seriously want this guy looks so cool might have to buy it cos my chances are terrible haven’t bred a grumpire since it was introduced :L. 3001008mm

    • kraven

      Get the torches and light them….it increases your chances

  • Caroline

    I love this monster, the tune he makes is great! I was lucky and got him on my first try using a Quarrister and a PomPom, both level 15 and both 100% happy. I had 10 torches lit too (although I don’t believe the torches help as I’ve bred all the other ethereals and specials without any torches lit)

  • Allie

    I have never bought a monster with gems thanks to the torches <3

  • Pango

    Think I need more torches,no humbug yet. Trying with PomPom.

  • Cath

    I got my first humbug using thumpies – only 4 torches lit.

  • steph

    After going through each breeding combination once i was going for round two n got it with a pom pom, one torch lit, n both monsters on level 11 ;) good luck everyone!!!

    • steph

      God i wish gettin a ghatz was that easy ive bee trying for a ghatz na jeedoo for 5 months now! Lol

  • Brandon

    I’m going to start trying to breed em I’ve managed to breed ghazt and reebro but they both took me around 1 month so about 2 months great another month trying to breed this one.

  • Pango

    breeding a humbug using camble. Tried about 30 times and still no luck…maybe my next try??

  • reptile

    Got one with Clamble mix

  • PkasE

    Got it on my first try with: Quarrister and Thumpies. No torches. The only ‘likes’ i am aware of are Flappy Flag, Floofy Nest and Thumpies. please share what the fourth like is to get to 100% happy.

  • Barb

    I got my humbug with a quarister/pompom combo. Does anyone know what the fourth “like” is? Usually I use the wiki site but the humbug is too new.

  • Weee

    I bred the Quarrister and Thumpies and it worked :)


  • Icydiamonds for dazzzzz

    Hey im new if u guys can tell me the best posible combination for the gadz or whatever that would be great

  • Alexa

    I’m new, only been playing for a week with my five year old. We are being propped to hatch and place a ghatz, but we don’t have many diamonds (20 to be precise.) So how else can we get a ghatz? Or do we have to be patient?

  • Robert

    I got it using only 2 torches and no happy monsters, only lvl 12, and STILL got it on what seemed to be my 4th try using Clamble!!!!! and I’m like only lvl 24!!!!! Keep trying people!