My Singing Monsters: Potbelly Monster


The Potbelly Monster in My Singing Monsters is the fourth main element monster you will unlock in your game. The requirement for unlocking this monster is at level 9. The monster requires 1 bed and is of the Potbelly Species. It looks very much like a plant in a pot with green skin and a belly.

“Potbellies are all plant, and grow like weeds. They are welcome participants in the chorus, so long as they wear their pots and refrain from invading others’ space. ” - My Singing Monsters: Potbelly Monster Biography

 My Singing Monsters - Plant Element

My Singing Monsters Potbelly Monster

Release Date:
August 22 2012


Rhythm Type:

Release Version:


Breeding Time:

2 Hours

Beds Required:

Buying Price:

250My Singing Monsters - Coins

Selling Price:
187My Singing Monsters - Coins

Level Requirement:  9

 My Singing Monsters: Potbelly Monster Key Features

  • Drum
  • A Singing type monster

My Singing Monsters: Potbelly Monster breeding guide

The Potbelly Monster is the fourth main monster you will be able to purchase in your My Singing Monsters marketplace. The monster is unlocked at level 9 unlocking many other plant type monsters for your singing mountaintop. You can then on purchase the monster in the marketplace for 250 coins

My Singing Monsters: Potbelly Monster Evolution Guide

As we know it, there’s no physical evolution in the monsters for My Singing Monsters. Your income rate will increase along with your max income capacity.

My Singing Monsters: Potbelly Monster Earnings [Per Minute]

Level Earnings
Level 1  3 Level 6  14
Level 2 Level 7  17
Level 3 Level 8  19
Level 4  10 Level 9  22
Level 5 12 Level 10  24

Max income rate per level

Level Max Earning
Max Earnings
Level 1  18 Level 6  86
Level 2 Level 7  101
Level 3 Level 8  115
Level 4  58 Level 9  130
Level 5 72 Level 10  144

My Singing Monsters: Potbelly Monster Food Chart

Feeding food to your monsters in My Singing Monsters will allow your monsters to increase their max coins and increase the income rate they are earning.

Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1 Level 6  160
Level 2 Level 7  320
Level 3 Level 8  640
Level 4 Level 9  1280
Level 5  80 Level 10  2560



  • Jee

    Why can’t I sell potbelly in water island?

    • Teddy

      Do u want free diamonds if u do go to options then go to submit refferal then type in this code to get free diamonds, 3489391CF.

      • sam

        Where do I type it

  • Anonymous

    Potbelly last like is bloofi tree.

  • Filbert

    Add me for 25 free diamonds! Options – > Submit Referral -> 3390679CN

  • Jasmine

    I need more diamonds to exchange for money please go to settings and then go to submitt referral and type my friend code—>3348643AJ u will also receive free gems

  • Jason

    Sweet using this referrel code will get you 10 diamonds. 3616666cc :)

  • Debby

    How do I breed a potbelly? I forgot lol

  • Peggy Kay

    Why cant I breed a potbelly on air island and why cant I get a noggin on cold island

  • BadgerGirl

    My Singing Monsters says you can breed ALL monsters, but this is not true. Potbellies are one kind that cannot be bred, or if they can, no one knows how to yet. Why the lie? Because Big Blue Bubble wants you to spend money. For example, some islands require diamonds to buy monsters, and those have to be purchased, as the diamond mine produces only one gem per 24 hours or so. It’s a basic scam. The game is designed to get you to spend money – and lots of it.