My Singing Monsters: Quarrister Monster


The Quarrister Monster in My Singing Monsters is a four-element monster in My Singing Monster. It can only be obtained when you have purchase the Earth Island in the game. Keep in mind it appears that this monster can only be obtained on the Earth Island and not any other island.

“The first stage of the Quarristers’s life cycle begins deep underground. Each head is a separate creature, feeding on crystals and fending for themselves. Eventually, groups of heads band together and harmonize their effects until they physically fuse together. Every once in a while, one of the Quarristers’s voices will go for a solo, but that kind of behavior is usually seen as big-headed.” – My Singing Monsters: Quarrister Monster Biography
“Ancient Epic Form Quarrister Monsters are said to host species entirely unique to their personal eco systems. Lgened holds that some jungles are actually living, breathing Medusasaurs, and that species native to the surrounding areas evolved within them.” -“Epic” My Singing Monsters: Medusasaur Monster Description

 My Singing Monsters - Air ElementMy Singing Monsters - Earth ElementMy Singing Monsters - Plant ElementMy Singing Monsters - Cold Element

My Singing Monsters Quarrister

Release Date:
November 27 2012

Egg Design:

My Singing Monsters Quarrister Monster egg


Rhythm Type:


Breeding Time:

24  hours

Beds Required:

Buying Price:

150My Singing Monsters - Diamonds

Selling Price:
220,000My Singing Monsters - Coins

User Rating

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 4.7/5 (5 votes cast)

 My Singing Monsters: Quarrister Monster Key Features

  • Golem like creature
  • 6 visible heads!
  • Features Air/Earth/Plant/Cold elements

My Singing Monsters: Quarrister Monster breeding guide

The Quarrister Monster is a hybrid monster that requires four different elements to breed for. You must first obtain the breeding structure at level 7 to be able to breed for this Quarrister Monster. Without the breeding structure, you can also purchase this monster for diamonds.

To breed for the Quarrister Monster you must use the elements of Air/Earth/Plant/Cold to get the Quarrister Monster. The recommended combinations for breeding this monster is using the Pom Pom Monster  and the Potbelly Monster.

Other combinations include

  • Clamble + Tweedle
  • Thumpies + Noggin
  • Reedling + Mammott

Keep in mind that breeding the monsters left or right does not matter. If you are not getting the monsters then you must continue trying until your game gives you the correct breeding time. Breeding is ultimately up to chance and you may get multiple monsters depending on their rarity.

My Singing Monsters: Quarrister Monster Evolution Guide

As we know it, there’s no physical evolution in the monsters for My Singing Monsters. Your income rate will increase along with your max income capacity.

My Singing Monsters: Quarrister Monster Earnings [Per Minute]

Level Earnings
Level 1 12 Level 6
Level 2 Level 7
Level 3 Level 8
Level 4 Level 9
Level 5 Level 10

Max income rate per level

We only document up to level 10. It will give you a rough idea of how much each monster can each. Please feel free to contribute any missing earnings numbers.

Level Max Earning
Max Earnings
Level 1 12,960 Level 6
Level 2 Level 7
Level 3 Level 8
Level 4 Level 9
Level 5 Level 10

My Singing Monsters: Quarrister Monster Food Chart

Feeding food to your monsters in My Singing Monsters will allow your monsters to increase their max coins and increase the income rate they are earning.

Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1  15 Level 6  480
Level 2  30 Level 7  960
Level 3 60 Level 8  1920
Level 4  120 Level 9  3840
Level 5  240 Level 10  7680


  15 Responses to “My Singing Monsters: Quarrister Monster”

  1. Hi, I was wondering whether anyone has bred a quarrister monster yet, & if so could they please post his likes on this page as I haven’t yet got one but would like to buy things for my earth island & it would be nice if I could have his likes ready & waiting thank you.

  2. its in gold island too…

  3. Want free Diamonds? Click on options in the bottom right hand corner then click on submit referral and Enter 2111659GJ BAM 5 free DIAMONDS! Add me using this code!

  4. Hi, anyone knows the last secret likes? Please help.

  5. What does Wubbox do?

  6. Add me as a friend: 1875106hi

    If you go into options and put that code in the referrals, we both get 5 diamonds!

  7. I cannot get my Quarrister to the Gold Island! Help me!

  8. I added many friends from the forum and won lots of diamonds, add me, so you and me win.
    To get free diamonds go to options -> referral codes and type in: 1714507EJ

  9. how do you get the quarrister on plant island???

  10. It’s rhythm type is singing

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