My Singing Monsters: Storage Shed


The Storage Shed in My Singing Monsters was released with the 1-year anniversary update on September 3rd 2013. This Storage Shed is a structure that can be found in the structure section of the game.

Doing some redecorating? Not sure to do with that old decoration but don’t want to sell it? Leave it in the storage shed – just tap the pack button when you’re moving a decoration. Unfortunately, the happiness effect produced by outside objects do not extend inside its reinforced walls, so your monsters’ happiness may shift accordingly … unless you have a unity tree.

- My Singing Monsters: Storage Shed

My Singing Monsters Storage Shed

Release Date:
Sept 3, 2013

Buying Price:


What it does?

The Storage Shed allows you to place your decorations into the structure giving you more space without having you sell your hard earned decorations in the game. It starts off with 10 free space then once those are used up you can upgrade the Storage Shed to get even more space for your decorations if you wish.

Please keep in mind that once the decoration is in the shed it will not contribute to the happiness of your monsters unless you have a unity tree.

You can only buy one of these structures per island for your game and you cannot have multiple copies on a single island.

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  • my sing monsters shed
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