Snoopy’s Street Fair updated the game with a brand new update to celebrate the summer. In the new version of the game Woodstock takes over the street fair with at least 19 new items for players to decorate their street fair till their hearts content. Some of the new items include the Candy Love Balloon that is looking for some love items to decorate their fair and fill it up with heart-warming items.
You can add a Birdman Cannon Ball into your street fair and enjoy the presence of this cool item that fits nicely in your Snoopy game. The Ferris Wheel is another great item to add into your game and even the Woodstock Well is great to have. There are plenty more items added for the casual player, if you are playing Snoopy’s Street Fair then it’s time to update and get some new amazing items to decorate your fair!
What’s New
– Woodstock takes over the street fair in this feather friend focused update with 19 new items!
– Reach new heights with the Candy Love Balloon
– Add some high-flying fun with the Birdman Cannon Ball
– Watch the world-go-round with the new Ferris Wheel
– Take the plunge with the new Woodstock Well
– Pick-up steam with the new Train Set