Oct 192012

The RPG giant, Square-Enix has released SYMPHONICA for mobile players around the world on the iOS platform. SYMPHONICA is a musical game similar to Tap Tap Revenge or other similar tapping music games.

SYMPHONICA Screenshot 5

SYMPHONICA, the app itself is free for download but each chapter cost money. If you’re wondering why there’s chapters in a game musical game then we’ll try to explain to you from our gameplay.

Square-Enix is praised for their unparalleled story-telling on multiple RPGs, some of the most notable series are Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Kingdom Hearts. That being said, most of their game have some sort of story to it.

In SYMPHONICA, you’ll not only have a Tap Tap Revenge-like gameplay but also a set of characters to follow.

Our short notes about the game is that, the music are more instrumental and as a classic feel. It’s also  more magical in a way. The pricing for each chapter can be found below.


- Pricing -

Chapters 0 through 3: Free
Chapters 4 and beyond & bonus episodes: $2.99 each
Chapters 4 through 7: $6.99 (4 chapters)
Chapters 8 through the Epilogue: $6.99 (4 chapters)
Set of bonus episodes: $6.99 (4 episodes)
All chapters plus bonus episodes: $14.99 (12 chapters)

You can download the game for FREE from the US APP STORE here

Some Gameplay Images

SYMPHONICA Screenshot 3SYMPHONICA Screenshot 1SYMPHONICA Screenshot 4

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