It looks like the Christmas update for The Simpsons: Tapped Out has officially ended. Players will find that their Tapped Out city marketplace is left nothing more than the regular menus. That means that the menus for the Christmas items are gone and that any limited times are also gone. On top of that, your Santa Coins are gone.
That being said, we understand the frustration of Tapped Out players on losing their Santa Coins. Unfortunately this is what happens after events and player’s special currency normally disappears if you do not use them.
The good news is that Smithers is now added into the game along with two brand new building for you to build. An extra level is added for you to level up and gain these buildings. These buildings are not limited so rest assured that they will be there and are added into your game for permanently.
The buildings added are:
Characters added
Normal Decorations
- The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Maggie Snowman
- The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Marge Snowman
- The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Lisa Snowman
- The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Fountain
Premium Items added
- Mr. Plow [LIMITED]
- Homer Snowman [LIMITED]
- Bart Snowman [LIMITED]
- Burns Limo
Lastly, the good thing is that the snow is still around until further updates and you can still watch the beautiful white scenes in your Tapped Out city.
This page is about...
- unlock the gulp n blow on tapped out
One regular item added, too
It’s fountain.
I just wonder how much it is.
It locked yet so i couldn’t see the price.
Clould anybody tell me how much the fountain?
And add me. I’m qaqb
I think $3500.
Should I be worried that mine is still very much in Christmas mode?