Jun 302013

It looks like The Simpsons: Tapped Out updated their game through a streamed update with a brand new line of limited edition items for your game. These brand new items are here to celebrate Independence Day on July 4, and is originally released in 2013 for the game.

The Simpsons Tapped Out summer Icon 2013

A large percentage of the items available in this limited edition update can only be obtained with donuts but there are a few items and characters that can be obtained using cash however, don’t put too much hope on in-game money items for this event.

One of the most notable characters in this update is the premium character called “Abraham Lincoln” which is probably one character you want to have for your game. You need to purchase the Lincoln’s Cabin which will give you access to this character. Other than that, the rest of the items are mostly decorations.

So be sure to get any one of these items you want before they expire from your game to celebrate Independence Day! Here’s what you’ll see when you begin the game.

“The Fourth of July is coming! When Americans celebrate their country by brazenly flaunting their contempt for its anti-fireworks ordinances! And Apu’s All-American Kwik-E-Mart and Fireworks Megastore leads the way! I’d better get in costume”

After that you’ll get a new outfit for Apu!


  • All-American Apu outfit

The Simpsons - Tapped Out All-American Apu outfit

Premium Limited Edition Items

Cash Limited Edition Items

  • Dylan

    cant activate the The Rocket’s Red Glare quest..help

    • Natella

      Umm I have the new version and I want it to update it but how can I do it plz help me fast.

    • Natella

      Wait you have a new version if you tell me how I will help you plz.