The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Burns Manor


The Burns Manor in The Simpsons: Tapped Out is a building you can purchase for your Tapped Out city. This building was made available to players on January 11th 2013. The building does not come with any special characters and costs 226,000 cash.

Requires: Level 25

Earns 520 Cash 50 XP
Every 48 hours

The Simpsons Tapped Out – Burns Manor

Release Date:
January 11 2013

Building Type:
Character: Smithers
Buying Price: 226,000
Build Time: 24 hours

How to get Burns Manor

To get the Burns Manor you must first understand that they are all locked by quest and you need to complete everything in order to unlock Burns Manor and make it available for purchase. You cannot “choose” which quests you do first but if you have been completing all your quests you know that it doesn’t really matter.

Keep in mind that “premium” character quests will not advance the story in your game to help you unlock buildings. You need to complete all quests available until you get the buildings unlocked. So just continue doing quests until they are unlocked.

  • You need to complete Dr. Hibbert’s Quest
  • Then Mr. Burns will ask you to send Homer for a plant shift
  • After that you can build the Burns Manor


At the time of this writing the Burns Manor cost 226,000 cash but can decrease depending on the developer’s decisions


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  4 Responses to “The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Burns Manor”

  1. I think the prices for buildings in simpsons tapped out should be lowered. 226,000 is rediculous!

  2. Why aren’t there any more levels after level 25???? There now seems no incentive to play the game, and 226K for the Burns manor is ridiculous.

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