Tiny Castle: How to Summon Firework Fairy
Tiny Castle celebrates the New Year with the Firework Fairy, a limited edition creature available only during the New Year. The creature is now in the market and is only available until January 6th 2013 from its original release date.
This creature is just a simple two element creature that players can get when breeding the two elements together. The two elements for this creature is the Sky element and the Desert element. That’s simple enough but keep in mind to check your market to see if the creature is available. If it is then you may begin to summon for this creature. However, if its not then please wait until next time when the creature reappears in the market.
How to Summon Firework Fairy
If you want to summon this creature into your game, you must know that it is a limited edition creature as noted above. You must check in the market to see if this creature is available if its not then discontinue reading until it is.
To summon the Firework Fairy, simply use a creature with the element of Sky and a creature with the element of Desert. As long as your enchanted tree has these two elements, you will have a chance at getting the Firework Fairy. You can really use any creatures with these two elements, for example, the Griffin and the Cactus Dryad or Cyano. To have a better chance at getting the creature, make sure you use creatures with only these two elements in your summoning process.
The summoning time is 18 hours and 45 minutes. This is the same for the egg hatching time.
Please keep in mind it doesn’t matter which side you select to summon your creature or the level of your creature. Both of these variables do not matter and will not affect your summoning process. Good luck summoning and happy new year!
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