Tiny Castle: Creatures List
The list of Creatures or Creatures List in Tiny Castle is here. Gameteep will document all updating creatures for the game here and give you the latest news. So be sure to keep updated with this page if you play Tiny Castle. The latest creatures released into the game will be displayed first and while regular and original creates will be near the bottom of the list.
Please keep in mind that the summoning process is magical and special. At times some players may even say its random. Each time you try to summon a creature in the game it will depend on the summoning rate set by the developers. That rate is then combined with your luck in the game which will give you the creature you want or not.
The summoning order of which side you select your creatures will not matter. The higher the level of your selected creatures for summoning will also not affect your chances.
- Tiny Castle: Firework Fairy [New Year Limited Creature]
- Tiny Castle: Tomten [Christmas Limited]
- Tiny Castle: Holly Dryad [Christmas Limited]
- Tiny Castle: Sylph
- Tiny Castle: Fairy
- Tiny Castle: Wisp
- Tiny Castle: Treant
- Tiny Castle: Griffin
- Tiny Castle: Centaur
- Tiny Castle: Garden Nymph
- Tiny Castle: Nessie
- Tiny Castle: Nereid
- Tiny Castle: Kirin
- Tiny Castle: Mermaid
- Tiny Castle: Genie
- Tiny Castle: Naga
- Tiny Castle: Manticore
- Tiny Castle: Sphinx
- Tiny Castle: Bast
- Tiny Castle: Cactus Dryad
- Tiny Castle: Cyno
- Tiny Castle: Phoenix
- Tiny Castle: Wyrm
- Tiny Castle: Cockatrice
- Tiny Castle: Kapre
- Tiny Castle: Kitsune
- Tiny Castle: Imp
- Tiny Castle: Fire Nymph
- Tiny Castle: Peryton
- Tiny Castle: Pegasus
- Tiny Castle: Water Leaper
- Tiny Castle: Rakshasa
- Tiny Castle: Triton
This page is about...
- tiny castle all creatures
- tiny castle creature list
- spell shop
Can you put the adlet on this list. I can’t figure out how to get one