Dec 142012

It’s here Tiny Monsters players! You can now evolve your Gift Monster for your game into a higher stage! Don’t be so happy just yet though because it seems you can only evolve him into it’s teen stage which means his adult stage is still yet to be known – or seen.

Tiny Monsters Gift Monster Teen Evolution!

As we said, the Gift Monster can now be evolved but his full form is still yet to be seen and no one has unlocked his adult form. When you login during now and probably till the end of the holiday you’ll see a message about the Gift Monster and now you can evolve him out of his box. Well hopefully we can! His second stage is an “evolved box”, which is not revealing much on this secret monster for Christmas.

You’ll see that he has a teal colored leg but it’s really hard to tell what the creature will look like from a set of legs. So when you evolve your Gift Monster and take him to the max level (which is level 7) he will be maxed out once again and you’ll need to wait till what we believe is around next week or Christmas to be able to evolve this monster into it’s full form.

We’re expecting great things from this monster so be sure to have one in your Mountaintop and get ready to evolve him before he expires! He is a limited edition monster.

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