Feb 012013

Tiny Monsters developers are calling for players to name their new Valentine’s Day monster! That’s right! Believe it or not the developers are not naming this one but listening to their fans and appointing you as the person that gives life to this brand new monster made specifically for Valentine’s day.

Tiny Monsters Name the Valentine's Day Monster

The event is not only for naming the monster but you’ll also get a chance to win 500 Diamonds for your game plus the monster you name! You can head on over to the event by logging into your game then tapping on the button that pops-up on the screen.

While the event is for naming the monster, one of the most important rule should be brought up before you try and submit an event entry. The name you choose or submit must be based on “love”, “relationship”, etc. Essentially it has to be love-themed and suitable for Valentine’s Day. That probably means you can’t randomly make-up a name that does not apply to the theme of Valentine’s day. I know most players have awesome names and would love to use them so be sure to head on over into your Tiny Monsters game and take your chance at getting the Valentine’s Day monster named after what you want.

So will you answer Tiny Monster’s call for help on naming this Valentine’s Day monster?


  • sheaylynn

    Cupid? :o

  • sheaylynn

    Or the love bug c=

  • sheaylynn

    Or fleur de l’amour meaning flower of love in french caues it look’s like a flower :o or the passion pansy o3o idk im trying

  • jordan

    flame heart

  • jordan

    flower cupid bug

  • Msvilma

    Passionate Or Affection

  • Andrew

    Luv ya ! Monster

  • TinyID: nadika

    lover or sweetheart

  • Daphne

    Love Flame or Amour

  • Nick Aubin

    Let’s see here…

    Cupid’s creation
    Frantic Romantic
    Heart warmer

  • charlotte trent


  • Juju
