Tiny Monsters: Mythic Shadow Monster

Tiny Monsters Mythic Shadow Monster Baby

We know that the Shadow Monster for Tiny Monsters is one of the most amazing monsters to be released into Tiny Monsters on June 14 2012 but how about the Mythic Shadow Monster? The Mythic Shadow Monster is certainly another amazing monster to have in your Tiny Monsters mountaintop. If you think the Shadow Monster was cool then this Mythic form of the shadow monster is a must have for any Tiny Monsters player.

If you have bred a Shadow Monster already then know that this Mythic Shadow Monster share similar attributes except he has an increased earnings for your Tiny Monsters mountaintop, and not to mention he is ultra cool! The original Shadow Monster was blue but for this Mythic Shadow Monster he is painted pink and has a much dark grey tone for other parts of the body.

When you breed the Mythic Shadow Monster, you will notice that the egg is very dark pink oppose to the original blue coloring. Although the colors for the Mythic Shadow Monster has changed, the breeding time and hatching time for the Mythic Shadow Monster is still the same as the original. Which is 9 hours. Once you hatched the Mythic Shadow Monster egg you can place the monster into the Small Shadow Habitat along with your other shadow monsters.

“Hidden in its den during the day, the Shadow Monster ventures out into the Umbra Everglades only in the twilight hours to hunt and play. When hunting or frightened, the Mythic Shadow Monster will dim its bioluminescent fur, becoming nearly invisible. They have also been observed using their fur to communicate, dimming or brightening parts of their bodies to signal different emotions. ” -Mythic Shadow Monster Game Description


Tiny Monsters Mythic Shadow Monster Baby

Release Date: June 14, 2012

Hatching Time: 9 Hours
Selling Price: 2250 Tiny Monsters - Coins
Habitat: Shadow
Level Requirement: 26

 Tuck In Time:  9 Hours

 Tuck In Tim: 22 hours

Mythic Shadow Monster Evolution

If you want to evolve your Mythic Shadow Monster then be sure to level your Mythic Shadow Monster to level 5 for a teen Mythic Shadow Monster then level the Mythic Shadow Monster to level 8 for the adult form.

Mythic Shadow Monster breeding guide

If you want to breed the Mythic Shadow Monster then know that the shadow elements requires almost any hybrids, similar to the Legendary Monster. To give you an increased chance in breeding the Mythic Shadow Monster, it is recommended that you use a  Shadow Monster and a Shadow Monster in your breeding den until you have obtained the mythic form.

Tiny Monsters screen hint: Breed Any two Hybrid …

Mythic Shadow Monster Earnings

Level Earnings
Level 1 7Tiny Monsters - Coins Level 6  12
Level 2  8 Level 7  16
Level 3  9 Level 8  23
Level 4  10 Level 9  29
Level 5  11 Level 10 39Tiny Monsters - Coins


Mythic Shadow Monster Food/Feed Amount Chart

Level Food Level Food
Level 1 320Tiny Monsters -Food Level 6 1925
Level 2 645 Level 7 2245
Level 3 965 Level 8 2565
Level 4 1285 Level 9 2885
Level 5 1605 Level 10 Tiny Monsters -Food


Tiny Monsters Mythic Shadow Monster Evolution Pictures

Tiny Monsters Wiki - Mythic Shadow Monster

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