If you love Defense games either in flash, or on your mobile device then know that Toy Defense has just gone free for a limited time to celebrate Independence Day. This addictive little game may seem small but is actually quite addictive if you have played Defense games. If you haven’t had experience with defense games then let us tell you that you surely are missing some action packed battles! Or maybe protecting your base? Whether you have played Defense style apps before or not let us share a little about how to play defense type games.
Defense type games are like protecting the flag or rather your base. You will have a streamline of enemies or objects that tries to reach the other side and you are to place cool firepower like shooters, cannons and try to stop them. It’s similar to Plants VS Zombies except there’s generally a longer walking space for defense games.
In defense type games you generally try to destroy the enemies before they read your flag or base. At first you may feel overwhelmed if you are a first time player but rest assured that soon you will be addicted and trying to blast yourself through each stage as soon as possible.
Toy Defense is free to celebrate Independence Day so get it for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch!
Download in iTunes
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