May 282013

Transformers Legends is a newly released game for Apple devices. It is a cross between the strategy and  collectible card game genre. While Transformers Legends is similar to many collectible card game apps out there, it does bring some unique functions to the table. It may fall into the crowd of other mobile games but what does make it stand out the most is its graphics. It is a good game for big fans of Transformers but maybe not so much for hardcore gamers.

TRANSFORMERS Legends Review Screen

 Gameteep 4.5 star rating


App Name: TRANSFORMERS Legends
Seller: Mobage, Inc.

Updated Date:
May 9 2013Apple iOS
May 9 2013Android OS

Genre: Card
Gameteep Rating: 4.5/5

Platform: Apple iOSAndroid OS

Gamer Rating

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Rating
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

TRANSFORMERS Legends Gameplay

The gameplay of Transformers Legends has several functions. When you open the game you get to chose your team with the options of picking autobots or decepticon. Once you choose your team you will get to play campaigns in which you can unlock new characters, or cards. Some cards can be combined to make a more powerful character. The campaigns are almost similar to the gameplay of the first Metriod Prime—you scan the location several times

. Scanning unlocks characters and in between you will have to defeat an enemy by timing your taps on the screen. This is the routine for each mission, which can get a little boring and repetitive after a while. Each mission has different parts but each level consists of scanning and tap-battling.Occasionally you will get to engage in a card battle for extra points. These battles are as simple as can be. You don’t even have to do anything because each battle is automated and limited in animation. You can even chose to skip the animated part of the battle and just find out if you won or lost. Each campaign costs energy and if you use it all up in one sitting you will have to wait for it to replenish before you can move on.

Players are invited to battle cards while they wait for the energy to come back. There are some other features of this game, such as the space bridge.The space bridge can be visited daily to unlock new characters. You can also purchase other functions this way. You can also revisit missions to find undetected characters that you didn’t catch the first time around.

TRANSFORMERS Legends Graphics

The graphics in Transformers Legends is what saves the game. The introduction cut-scene is astounding and shocking for an iPhone game. It has the quality of a modern-day console game like the PlayStation 3. The background graphics are also sharp and realistic. Every character (card) is detailed as if you had the cards right in your hands. If anything about this game is awesome, it is definitely the graphics.


Transformer music!

TRANSFORMERS Legends Round-up

Overall, Transformers Legends is a good game for die-hard Transformers fans, nerds, and young children who are just learning how to play iPhone games. For the more hardcore gamers, the repetitive scanning and tap-battling get boring after a while, causing this game to be disappointing for some. However, it is worth a download just to check out the graphics, which will most likely blow you away.

Other then that, it will probably be one of the first games to go when you are looking to clear up space.

Bottom line: If you love Transformers then this is one game you don’t want to miss!

TRANSFORMERS Legends Screenshots

TRANSFORMERS Legends Screenshot 1TRANSFORMERS Legends Screenshot 2TRANSFORMERS Legends Screenshot 3TRANSFORMERS Legends Screenshot 4TRANSFORMERS Legends Screenshot 5

Overview of Rating

Review Rating
  • Many of your favorite Autobot and Decepticons in card form.
  • Nicely designed cards and graphics
  • Tons of cards to collect and battle with.
  •  The animation in the battles could be better.

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  • transformer legends how to catch the card

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