Zenonia 5: Mechanic Active Skills


The Mechanic class in Zenonia 5 – Wheel of Destiny is a ranged class with a mechanic weapon like launcher, guns and so on. It shoots from afar and is the perfect class for those that don’t like melee combat. He uses laser shots and other cool beams on most of it’s attacks.

Zenonia 5 Wheel of Destiny icon

Requirement: Level 1

Back Step (/10)
[Requirement: Level 1]/Consumed SP 50
ATT: 100%/Slow Rate: 15%/Duration: 4 sec
[Active] Instantly moves away from enemies and shoots with a long rifle on the back.

Laser Beam (/10)
[Requirement: Level 1]/Consumed SP 70
ATT: 100%/Constant DMG: +30%/Bleeding Rate: 10%/Duration: 6 sec
[Active] Shoots lasers with a long rifle on the back.

Requirement: Level 5

Knockback Shot(/10)
[Requirement: Level 5]/Consumed SP 80
ATT: 250%
[Active] Shoots a case to push enemies away

Flash (/10)
[Requirement: Level 5]/Consumed SP 90
ATT: 450%/Confusion Rate: 30%/Duration: 4 sec
[Active] Shoots a flare in the air to attack and temporarily immobilize enemies.

Precision (/10)
[Requirement: Level 5]/Consumed SP 70
CRI Rate Increase: +5% / Duration: 30 sec
[Buff] CRI Rate increases for a certain amount for a limited time.

Requirement: Level 15

Maximum Output (/10)
[Requirement: Level 15] / Consumed SP 120
Range Increase: +20/Duration: 30 sec
[Buff] Attacking range increases for a certain amount for a limited time.

Explosion Shot (/10)
[Requirement: Level 15]  / Consumed SP 110
ATT: 250%/ Constant DMG: +20% / Bleeding Rate: 25% / Duration: 6 Seconds
[Active] Shoots a case filled with energy and cause a big explosion

Seize Mode (/10)
[Requirement: Level 15] / Consumed SP 120
ATT: 80%
[Active] Takes a solitary position and attacks the designated target. (Touch to attack)

Requirement: Level 25

Flamethrower (/10)
[Requirement: Level 25]/ Consumed SP 160
ATT: 150% / Constant DMG: +30%/Bleeding Rate: 10%/Duration: 6 Sec
[Active] Moves while shooting with a flamethrower. (Can’t change moving direction)

Black Hole Slash (/10)
[Requirement: Level 25] / Consumed SP 150
ATT: 120% / Constant DMG: +30% / Shock: +10%/Pull:+1/ Duration: 3 sec
[Active] Slows enemies with an electric whip and constantly damages them.

Blitz Mode (/10)
Requirement: Level 25 / Consumed SP 150
Hide/ ATT Increase: +50% / Duration: 3 Second
[Buff] Hides temporarily. When attacking, you won’t be hidden but will be able to inflect damages.

Requirement: Level 35

Energy Bomb (/10)
[Requirement: Level 35] / Consumed SP 260
SP Consumption: +1%/ Normal Attack Increase: +60%/ Duration: 20 sec
[Buff] Temporarily consumes SP, but a plain skill’s ATT increases for a certain amount.

Supporting Shot (/10)
Requirement: Level 35 / Consumed SP 180
ATT: 100% / Mechanical Turrent 1×2/Duration: 12  sec
[Active] Summons 2 cannons from the ground and fires.

Requirement: Level 45

Satellite Shot (/10)
Requirement: Level 45 / Consumed SP 250
ATT: 150%/ Constant DMG: +30%/ Bleeding Rate: 10%/ Duration: 6 sec
[Active] Shoots lasers from the Satellite for a limited time.

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