Oct 052012

It’s hard to find good apps going FREE for a limited time but when we do find them. We post them. LostWinds is now FREE for a limited time and it is dubbed App of the Week!

When we first saw the images for LostWinds, we knew it was spectacular. The graphics and coloring are among one of the best in its Platformer genre and on top of that, there’s a lingering feeling that this game will be good.

John wanted to pick up the game for quite a while but the price tag has always held the spending-saver from spending the $3.99 but now he can get it for FREE! If you look at the graphics you’ll know it’s beautifully created and the world its set in is simply stunning. All we really want to say is that “There’s something magical about the LostWinds game”. We’re not quite sure what this magic is but most plays can tell by looking at the screenshots below.

Pick up LostWinds for FREE with the link below (Limited Time offer). Please keep in mind if you see the price to be $3.99 or is not “Free” then the deal has expired. Please visit regularly to get updates on premium quality games that goes free or gets discounted.

  • Download LostWinds for FREE (Opens to iTunes)

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LostWinds icon

Developer Notes

An innovative, fresh platform-adventure bursting with gameplay ideas – wield the awesome elemental powers of Enril the Wind Spirit, from raging tornados to the subtlest breeze, in a stunningly presented combination of combat, exploration and puzzle solving.Guide and protect Toku, a young boy and the only one who can help you release the curse placed upon the enchanting world of Mistralis and its people by evil Balasar.

LostWinds is absorbing, beautiful and fun – an essential experience on iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch. Put the power of the Wind at the tips of your fingers today!

Jul 122012

The CreaVures app can only be described using one word. Magical. Take control of mystical creatures called “CreaVures” where you them tackle platforming puzzles in an extremely beautiful and mind calming environment. You will take control of  five unique CreaVures – Bitey, Pokey, Rolly, Zappy, and Flick. Each with their own unique special ability and roll in the game to help you solve the puzzles in the forest surviving raged enemies.

CreaVures Screenshot - Opening Screen

 Gameteep Rating: 4 Stars

CreaVures Icon

App Name: CreaVures
Seller: Chillingo Ltd

Genre: Platformer
Gameteep Rating: 4/5

Requirements: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad.Requires iOS 4.3 or later.

Rated Version: 1.1

CreaVures Gameplay

The moment you begin CreaVures, you’ll find yourself jumping from platform to platform trying to solve puzzles and survive ferocious attacks from untamed creatures. You will soon learn that the movement controls are on the left and the jump and special ability controls are on the right. However, there is another option as you progress through the stage.

Once you have reached the second level, you will unlock Pokey where you will be able to swap CreaVures using a “slide to” motion button near your jump button. Unlocking a new CreaVure is definitely cool as it also increases the challenge for your puzzles because you need to ensure both CreaVures successfully makes it to the end.

During your progress through the game you will also encounter multiple creatures that have gone ferocious, that will attack you without cause and your task is to make sure you calm them down. You have special techniques for each CreaVure you control but you must aim carefully and time the attack or you will miss.

CreaVures Graphics

CreaVures Screenshot - Magical

The CreaVures app game has an amazing dark but natural feel tat just somehow makes the entire game so magical. You will soon notice that the game graphics is fully in a beautiful 3D environment, however you will only have access to scrolling left and right.

Although the environment is in a gloom and dark forest, it doesn’t feel that way. As you look closer at the shades of each objects you will notice that each one is uniquely shaded in a way that adds textures and feel to the game. Each object such as the flowers, vines, trees, plants are colored in a way to adds to the magic in the game. You will see energy or light rise from various plants that is just cool looking.

CreaVures Sounds

Perhaps the long awaited talk isn’t about the Gameplay or Graphics yet the magic in the music and soundtrack of this app. We haven’t heard something so calm and so smoothing since Osmos and is surely one of those apps you want to listen to at night before bed.

This app game has some type of magical music that just puts players into a calm state even if you might be frustrated with a stage or maybe something else. It’s soundtrack is just beautiful.

CreaVures Round-up 

CreaVures is just an magical experience from the start till end. It’s gloomy dark forest may confuse you at the beginning but once you begin the game you know that there’s a sort of magic where it makes it hard for players to put down. It’s a platformer game, so don’t expect a fast runner action, however, a calm relaxing platformer for you to solve puzzles to.

One of the best features that CreaVures has to offer is their beautifully designed CreaVures, and you can control up to 5 different ones as you adventure through the forest. Their CreaVures are all uniquely designed with their own special abilities that often make players love them because they are kind of adorable.

If you are looking for a good platformer that has just some sort of magic that keeps you playing and calms your mind then this is definitely the choice for you. It’s beautiful environment will have you enjoying the scenery as the music and soundtrack puts you at easy and relaxes you while you enjoy the game.

Bottom line: Magical environment that relaxes the mind and puts you at ease while solving puzzles in a mysterious forest.