Jun 062014

How To Train Your Dragon 2 is hitting theaters in North America really soon and Dragons: Rise of Berk is the mobile game that celebrates the release of this new movie. From Ludia, the developers of Jurassic Park Builder, in Dragons: Rise of Berk you can officially build your very own Berk Village from the franchise along with your favorite heroes like Hiccup, Astrid, Meatlug, Snotlout, Ruffnut & Tuffnut and many more characters from the HTTYD franchise.

Dragons Rise of Berk Review Screen

 Gameteep 5 stars rating
 Dragons Rise of Berk icon
 App Name: Dragons: Rise of Berk
 Seller: Ludia Inc. ‘How to Train Your Dragon 2’ © 2014 DreamWorks
 Release Date:
 May 21, 2014Apple iOS
 TBAAndroid OS
 Genre: Village Building
 Gameteep Rating: 5/5
 Platform: Apple iOSAndroid OS
Gamer Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Rating
Rating: 4.5/5 (16 votes cast)

Dragons: Rise of Berk Gameplay

Rise of Berk is a free-to-play village building game from Ludia, the creators of Jurassic Park Builder (another village building game) so you can expect to find similar but different gameplays throughout your journey on Berk.

You will spend most of your game building Berk and collecting amazing new dragons (at least 30 dragons are expected!) to help you collect resources to rebuild Berk. It is expected that a battle system will be put in place in the near future and that’s something to look forward to.

Like most of the village building games, you can expect to wait past building processes or searching processes when you are searching for dragons. You can find a list of dragons here.

Dragons: Rise of Berk Graphics

I must admit the graphics in Rise of Berk are rad. They have most of the details and coloring down for the dragons to make them look realistic and captivating. The environment of the game is mostly in 3D and is breathtaking for a village building game of its time.

Dragons: Rise of Berk Sounds

Wood-cutting, sea fishing, and the epic HTTYD soundtrack is what you’d hear in this game. Other than that you also get to listen to unique dragon roar for each dragon.

Dragons: Rise of Berk Round-up

I’m sure all How To Train Your Dragon fans have played multiple mobile games found in their local app store, and rarely do they live up to the franchise. The games are either overdeveloped like School of Dragons mobile where it lags or underdeveloped but Rise of Berk from Ludia is something else. It really captures the inspiration of the dragons from the franchise on a mobile game where you can collect them all.

However, some of the dragons do require purchases of runes to obtain because there is no consistent way of earning runes where you will be able to purchase all of the premium dragons for the game. Other than that you can obtain most of the dragons in the game from normal playthrough but like all Village Building games, it will take a while unless you feel like spending some credits on the game.

Bottom line: Best How To Train Your Dragon mobile game!

Dragons: Rise of Berk Gameplay Video

Overview of Rating

Review Rating
  • Good Graphics
  • Lots of Dragons to collect
  • It’s fun being able to see all the How To Train Your Dragon 2 characters
  •  None
  •  None
May 212014

While Godzilla has hit the theaters, the Godzilla mobile game is now available for download to Android or Apple iOS devices. The game is absolutely free to play and you can download it to just about any of the latest device, the graphics are intense and will not support older devices.

Godzilla - Smash3 Review

 Godzilla - Smash3 icon
 App Name: Godzilla – Smash3
 Seller: Rogue Play, Inc. © Rogue Play
 Release Date:
 May 16, 2014Apple iOS
 May 16, 2014Android OS
 Genre: Puzzle
 Gameteep Rating: 3.5/5
 Platform: Apple iOSAndroid OS
Gamer Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Rating
Rating: 4.3/5 (1 vote cast)

Godzilla – Smash3 Gameplay

The game is dubbed Godzilla – Smash3 By Rogue Play, Inc and at first glace you would think it’s a action game but it’s not. The game is puzzle-based and when you complete an “puzzle-action” it transfers to Godzilla as an action from his various attack skills from punching to stomping on his enemies.

There’s not much to mention here other than you’ll be connecting the same colors and then launching Godzilla’s attacks. Keep in mind that it doesn’t need to go three in a row, straight and vertical but you can connect as much as you can and even diagonally.

Godzilla – Smash3 Graphics

Graphics is where the game gets the points, the graphics in this game is amazing and rivals some of the most graphic intensive mobile games out there like the recent The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

Godzilla – Smash3 Sounds

There’s not much of a story for the game so you won’t be listening to hours on end of dialogue/scenes but more the sounds of Godzilla crushing his enemies.

Godzilla – Smash3 Round-up

I think most players were expecting an action game where you’ll actually have the ability to control the ultimate beast but there is a slight twist to Godzilla – Smash3 that makes it good in it’s own rights to certain players – especially people that enjoy puzzle games. For everyone else, you’ll probably find yourself dying and not enjoying the beast on mobile as much as you’ll find yourself dying from reckless decisions which can be frustrating.

One of the thing that really strikes me if that the attacks Godzilla deals is pretty weak considering we’re looking at one of the most fearsome beast in folktale. His punches merely would damage a plane or ship at about 25% health depending on your move but in theory that would crush any man-made object but hey it’s a game after all.

For Apple iOS users, you’ll need to have anything above an iPhone 4S to get it to run, if you’re looking for a smooth experience then you’ll probably need something faster. While on Android devices you’ll probably need something on par with the iPhone 4S and above in terms of capabilities to run the game.

Bottom line: Love the graphics but gameplay needs improvements.

Godzilla – Smash3 Gameplay Trailer

May 032014
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Review

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was released yesterday and it was an amazing movie for all Spidey fans but how does The Official Amazing Spider-Man 2 game play? Well you get a number of different suits, and you get to swing around the city as if you were the real Spider-Man in New York city. Spider-Man [Open page……]

Apr 152014
Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff Review

It’s been a long while since we’ve found a notable game. With the recent flood of “Flappy” Bird games who really wants to scroll by the store looking for good game? Well luckily, Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff hits the local app stores and it’s absolutely free to play! The app is available for both Android and Apple iOS devices which means you can play on either devices.

Feb 202014
Splashy Fish - The Adventure of a Flappy Tiny Bird Fish Review

Flappy Bird the flapping bird is what all the rave is about these days, but being removed from the market, “Splashy Fish – The Adventure of a Flappy Tiny Bird Fish” is a great alternative (if not the best) for players around the world to get a similar experience but with a flapping fish. Taking the [Open page……]

Dec 092013
Lawless Review

Lawless is an action-shooter game from Mobage and DeNA released on December 5th 2013 for mobile devices. You will play as a leader of a crew of professional criminals.. yes professional criminals in a 3D environment shooter game set in the 1990’s of LA, USA. Your job is to take on waves of SWAT teams, [Open page……]