Sep 072012

Dragon Story players are you ready for one of the most amazing dragons released into your Isle? The Aether Dragon is here! This cosmos dragon is definitely one of those dragons players will want to get into their Dragon Story Isle. We were so surprised by how beautifully designed this dragon was, the first thing we said to one another is “Why isn’t this a Epic dragon?”. Brace yourself as we release news about this dragon and it’s not a new element but elements we already know.

Dragon Story - Aether Dragon Icon

What is this dragon?

The Aether Dragon is a purple and blue dragon released on September 6th 2012. It looks similar to the design of the Firestorm dragon (walking portrait) but in purple with a accessories like Gems, necklaces and never before seen red ruby like horns!

Although this dragon only holds the elements of Purple and Blue, it is probably going to be highly sought after due to its design. Some players may even say it looks better than the Diamond-type dragons, and this dragon may be distant cousins of a Diamond-type dragon.

How to breed and get Aether Dragon

The Aether Dragon is known to be a Super Rare dragon, which means breeding one of these dragons won’t be easy and that not a lot of players may get one for trying. There are a total of three dragons minus the Aether Dragon when breeding for it. The three dragons are Coral Dragon, Wizard Dragon, and Mistmoth Dragon. That being said, the last and the best dragon up-to-date is the Aether Dragon.

If you want to breed for an Aether Dragon, it is recommended you use a Blue and Purple element combination in your breeding den. This will give a chance for your game to get an Aether Dragon but keep in mind it’s Super Rare. The breeding time is 16 hours and the egg is purple and blue with a shape in the middle and dots of stars around it.

Read more about the Aether Dragon on our page here.

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  • how to breed aether dragon
  • bred aether and
  • how to breed a aether dragon in dragon story
  • how to breed aether dragon story
  • how to get aether dragon in dragon story

  2 Responses to “Dragon Story: How to breed Aether Dragon”

  1. I was trying to breed a coral dragon, and to my surprise when I put the egg in the hatching nest it was an egg with a diamond shaped gemstone on it! I believe this is an aether dragon, but I’m not sure… (this was also my first time breeding the magic/water combination.)

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