Dragon Story: How to breed Leopard Dragon
It’s amazing to see that the Halloween Dragons are still here for Dragon Story players. And now the Leopard Dragon has been released into the market and is an extremely rare dragon to have in any one’s Dragon Story Isles.
The dragon is a hybrid dragon that has two elements, these elements are Yellow and Light. This means that you need to already have the light dragon for a chance to breed this dragon into your Dragon Story Isle. If you don’t have the light dragon then there is no possible way other than purchasing the dragon.
How to breed Leopard Dragon (Learn more)
The Leopard Dragon is a yellow looking dragon with dark blue/purple looking claws and horns. It walks similar to the island dragon in Epic form and gives quite an amazing rate when you have fed him into his epic level.
If you want to breed the Leopard Dragon, you need to use the Light Dragon and the Air Dragon for a chance to get the Leopard Dragon. The breeding rate for the Leopard Dragon is classified as Super Rare, which means that it will not be easy to bred for in a Dragon Isle. The breed time is 14 hours and if you get this timer then it means you quite possibly have one of these Leopard Dragons breeding!
For new players, keep in mind that breeding the dragon left or right does not matter. The level of your breeding dragons also does not matter, it is up to your game to give you this Leopard Dragon or have another pending dragon to sell in your Dragon Story Isle.
Once you have obtained the Leopard dragon egg and the hatched the Leopard dragon you can place the Leopard dragon into the White Meadow, Yellow habitat in your Dragon Story island.
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