Jan 042013

It’s January, and DragonVale developers have released the next Gemstone Dragon, the Garnet Dragon for your game. The dragon was released right on January 1st 2013 on the New Year Holiday. The developers certainly didn’t take a break during the national holiday and still released this amazing new gemstone dragon for DragonVale players born in January.

DragonVale Garnet Dragon Baby

The Garnet Dragon is quite a rare breed of a dragon because it goes against most logic in DragonVale – at least that’s what veteran players think. Why? This is because the dragon’s design does not align with the breeding combination for this dragon. Not only does the dragon’s not align with it’s parents but also its dragon breath!

Developers generally create a dragon based on elements and features of its parents but the Garnet dragon only shows sign of one parent. The dragon has a dragon breath of Fire and “Water bubbles” (implying water) where there’s no water dragon to be found in the breeding combination. As for the design, yes you can say that the “fins” doesn’t exactly mean it’s a water dragon but it’s hard to go against those bubbles in its dragon breath.

How to breed Garnet Dragon

To breed the Garnet Dragon, you must make sure it is enabled in your market. If it is then you need to breed the Smoke Dragon and the Obsidian Dragon. That combination adds up to Fire, Earth, and Air. So how the Garnet Dragon inherent “Water Bubbles” in its breath is beyond most players.

The breeding time is 31 hours just like most Gemstone Dragons released till date. The hatching time is also the same time. The egg will be a dark red with green fin like designs at the bottom.

Please keep in mind that it doesn’t matter which side you breed your dragons. The level of the dragons you are breeding will also not matter. All of these variables will not affect your breeding process to getting the dragon in your game. You just must continue breeding until you get one, it’s up to your game and luck to get the dragon.

This page is about...

  • how to breed a gemstone dragon
  • how to breed gemstone dragon
  • how to breed a gemstone dragon on dragonvale
  • how to get gem stone dragons dragonvale breeding
  • how to make a gemstone dragon
  • how to make a jemstone dragin on dragonvale
  • what 2 dragons make a gemstone dragon in dragonvale

  9 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed Garnet Gemstone Dragon”

  1. Every time I breed smoke and obsidian I get a smoke dragon, an obsidian dragon or a lava dragon
    What am I doing wrong

  2. Nothing just have patience . It took me about 40 times

  3. Smoke and obsidian does work I got when I first breed those 2 dragons and
    breed fire and water if you want the air dragon.

    PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!???!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Who wants to know how to get the KAIROS dragon .

    Leave a comment saying YES or NO. (Sending a picture of yourself is optional)

  5. i know exactly why it has water breath the smoke dragon is part air and the air dragon comes from the fire and WATER

  6. Help I can’t even breed the obsidian dragon. No matter which way round I select the dragons, I get a Lava dragon. – any advice? Similar with breeding the smoke dragon – I get something else!

  7. Iv read that if you breed the smoke and obsidian between the times. Of 10 pm and 11 pm you will get the garnet dragon I did it last night and it still didn’t work would it be because I’m in Australia and the time is different and I was wondering what time zone dragonvale us in?

  8. Hey mike I really want to now how to get the KAIROS dragon

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