It’s official. The new update for DragonVale has been released and who could have guessed? It is the release of the Light and Dark Dragons in DragonVale. This brand new update introduced on October 9th 2013 releases two entirely new dragon types in the game (Dark & Light).
These class of dragons have always been considered valuable to players and most of the players even asked for these dragons during the initial release of DragonVale. The dragons just took a bit longer to arrive but they’re here now and available for players to obtain. Check out the trailer video of the Light and Dark dragons in DragonVale below!
How to summon Light and Dark Dragons
You will get a Rift Dragon on your newly found island and then some magic to begin with. You can select either Dark or Light magic which will contribute to a pool that is online to either hatch Light or Dark Dragons.
Use your magic on whichever you favor more then obtain more magic and continue to add to the pool until the dragon arrives.
How to get Magic
You can get magic almost everywhere in your park. You get it through breeding, racing, questing, farming Treats and collection from habitats.
Choose only one when starting
Please either Light or Dark, do not use them on both or it’ll be a waste when starting out. Once you have an egg in an habitat then work on the other dark or light element.
How much magic do you need?
You will need 5600 magic for each either Light or Dark.
Summon the Light & Dark Dragons!
Magic has gone wonky in the world of DragonVale and caused some exciting changes. Two entirely new classes of dragons are coming to DragonVale. It’s up to you and the other DragonVale players to decide whether Light or Dark dragons come first by collecting Magic and using it to summon the Light or Dark…
1) Find Magic throughout your park
2) Cast your Magic for Light or Dark
3) Rally friends to summon Light or DarkAlso, the level cap of your dragons is now tied to the level cap of your park. You can also level up your dragons with gems.
This page is about...
- rift dragon dragonvale
- dragonvale light dragon
- how do you hatch rift dragons in dragonvale
- why cant i collect magic in dragonvale
- how to hatch rift dragon
- how to make a zombie dragon in dragonvale
- light dragon dragonvale
- Rift dragonVale
- stages of magic rift how to breed a zombie dragon in dragonvale
- tapout snarling zombie
- what dark dragon in dragonvale looks like
- what happens when you summon a dark dragon in dragonvale
- when do you get a rift dragon dragonvale
- when do you get a rift dragon in dragonvale?
- how to hatch a rift on Dragonvale
So you can’t obtain BOTH dark and light dragons, only one?
No, both are obtainable. I’ve had the dark habitat for a while and I just got the light habitat today.
I just got a light dragon egg on my rift and the dark egg meter still says almost full. It let me add more so I guess you can get both and multiple for now.
I don’t know, I just got the Dark egg in the habitat today. I’d imagine you can get the other element as well, as I can still contribute magic to the Light Vestige
If you choose one of the elements, does that mean you can’t get the other element?
Both are obtainable
I’m a bit confused in when out says Magic will reset in x amount of hours and how many dark and light dragons are available
The magic resetting is when you get the right amount of magic because as you cast magic the rate at witch you get it slows…
What does the rift dragon look like
What if it is on the kindle fire hd?
I accidentally used booth and I couldn’t get more magic please help me
same exact thing happened to me i don’t know what to do???
Easy u collect coins from your dragon collect food go on races to get more magic
After you use magic it takes soooo long to get more
Podrian hacer el juego con version en español? Gracias
Ya es oficial. La nueva actualización para DragonVale ha sido puesto en libertad, y que podría haber adivinado? Es la liberación de los Dragones de luz y oscuridad en DragonVale. Esta nueva actualización de la marca introdujo el 09 de octubre 2013 dos versiones completamente nuevos tipos de dragón en el juego (la oscuridad
Yo haha
Zeus says: Yo haha
Haha I copied u
Can you get both types if rift dragons in your park at the same time?
I reached 5603 on my dark habitat but nothing happened. It got bigger when I got to the half way mark.
Here is a way I found to gain extremely cheap magic:
Plant those small shrubs and LOTS of them! They yield 1 magic for each one planted and cost a whooping 25 gold! Oh, and take off 12 gold if you refund them! 1,300 gold for 100 magic, and even a small bit of experience on the side. Hope this helps you guys in getting your light and dark dragons!
Um There Is No Mushroom That Costs 25 Dragon Cash
He means Bushes and another great way to obtain magic is to clear out rocks for a good amount of 100 magic each!(and you get more space!) Result!
I still can’t hatch a rift egg!!!!
I have the light rift egg but i dont know how many times i must wait now…
Almost have my light dragon check it out, Public Week on gamecenter add me to trade gems and such;)
Thank you Zach and also gifting gems to friends give you a lot too
Add me!! I really need friends T_T (Reg Gina Ng)
After you reach the 5600 your habitat will upgrade but my egg isn’t hatched yet
I don’t get this!!! I finished the magic for the light thing. How come I still can’t hatch
Yah how come I can’t hatch it either
Hey bros! Got so much magic,I’m gonna get the dragons first.BUT! I need to wait for the other dragons to come out!p.s I have a level twelve scoria dragon(:))
And a level 12 is nothing I have a level 18 ghost
20 Bone
20 bone AND 20 ghost
You just got owned
I have put 6700 magic in the light habitat why ain’t I getting my light dragon
I get 40 magic from collecting just 2 large lightning habitats and a large plant!
I already have the reward habitat for the dark one should I start with the light habitat to unlock it or just stay with the dark one ???
Would be great flu for your help
Thx zach
You do not only have to pick one element, you can continue to one and then the other. Here is the link for feedback at backflip where it states this:
Yes, you are totally gonna get the dragons first what if I have both habitats to level 2?
The shrubs decorations worth 25 coins really works, but after awhile (after 2000 or so) you completely stop getting magic until it recharges again. It’s a pain in the ass after accumulating the 7200 magic level, you have another level where you have to accumulate 9999 magic.
I already filled the light vestige and it just gave me another rift egg when do I get the dragons
This is the stupidest thing they have done. At first I thought it was going to be cool. Now it’s just disappointing. I finished the rift and upgraded the light habitat but still no dragon! Lame! I’m not going to worry about collecting magic any more. This sucks.
You need to wait till the event finishes to get your dragon.
I have both of mine at Giant Dark & Light reward. It takes 14,000 magic each to fill them up at this point. It allows for three eggs each right now. I am about 2k magic from filling the dark up again. I’ll let you know what happens after it hits 14k.
Ok, so I’ve got 2 Rift Dragon eggs in my Light Habitat, and I’ve got 1 Rift Dragon Egg in my Dark Habitat. The Scar tines are currently in favor of Light, 4 to 3. So what the heck does that mean??? When am I gonna get my damn dragons??? And once I get them, then I choose an Element to bestow upon them at my discretion? How are we suppose to know what they will become without having some prior knowledge? It’s taken a CRAP TON of time, money, and gems to get this far, ill be damn if screw up my limited choices for this much effort. Any help to ease my troubled mind would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! Thanks in advance fellow Valers
Well you dont get your rewards untill the dragon is released, which is when the meter on the tines is full. So say for example, when the light meter on the tines (NOT on the light vestige) is full, thats when the dragon of that element will be released. And its a “community” event, meaning that the amount of magic that ALL OF THE DRAGONVALERS put into one element determines which dragon comes out first. Hope this helped!!
I have a egg in each habitat now what do I do
Wait till the evenet is finished, in the meantime, try collecting more eggs
I have an egg in each habitat now what do I do respond to this one
Wait till the event finishes, in the meantime, collect more eggs
I’ve filled the light gauge twice, still no light dragon…am I missing something?
Yes. You need to wait till the meter on the tines is filled. When its filled thats when that dragon, loght or dark, will be released.
I filled up the bar for the dark side and the bar is no longer there its the first time I fill it up I already have an egg on the right so i dont know what to do
Can anyone tell me how to add friends in dragonvale…i dont have friends in dragonvale….and m on level 29…
In order to get friends, you have to send friend requests on gamecenter, then the person will show up on your friends list. here: you can add me, my gamecenter nickname is brandon6071
I just wanna know how many times I gotta fill up the bar of magic on the dark side until I get a dragon. I have an egg on both sides but have filled the dark more times. I just did again and all it says is they made the habitat bigger.. Still with one egg and no dragon. What’s up!?!?!?!?
I just realized that the tines of the scar are what’s adding the light vs dark magic maybe when the tines get full the eggs will hatch
Looks like light is winning.
Don’t you people get it?! Dragonvale even said they’re coming out later. The is now light or dark dragons because they’re not in the games code so you’ll just have to be patient and wait until they just get added or the next update! Doesn’t that all make sense, and also JUST GO SEARCH UP ON YOUTUBE HOW TO DO IT! And they’ll say as we’ll it’s not in the code
I’m gona try explain my theory, when you contribute magic to the light or dark habitat thing and fill up a bar and collect a light/dark dragon egg. your magic also contributes to one of two “buckets” with everyone else magic. One bucket for light and one bucket for dark and when one of the buckets gets full the dragon eggs you’ve collected will hatch. I also believe the the tine of sears thing is a count down as well to how close you are to hatching the eggs. Long story short the more magic you contribute the faster we all get them.
I dunno bout this but it says there that the light and dark dragons are COMING which means it hasn’t arrived. Basically, the pumping of magic and getting the eggs and habitats are pre orders. And since you have the pre order, you’ll get the actual dragons soon enough. Or you just have to keep filling the magic, i dunno, but from what i understand, i’m pretty sure it works the first way.
Anyone know if you’re able to buy more magic after 24 hours or is it a 1 time thing?