Apr 192012

Are you ready for the Sakura Dragon to celebrate the cherry blossoms season? The Sakura dragon is released in celebration of the cherry blossom season (widely found in Japan) and you can surely tell from all the pink blossom found on the sakura dragon. If you don’t see the Sakura Dragon in your DragonVale then chances are you need to restart your device to see the sakura dragon. It looks very similar to the Tree Dragon combined with many elegant sakura flowers all around.

DragonVale Sakura Dragon - Dodo Dragon

The Sakura Dragon can be accessed once you reach level 7 in your DragonVale park, if you haven’t gotten to level 7 then chances are you won’t be able to see the sakura dragon just yet but if you are above level 7 then you can purchase the Sakura Dragon for 300 Gems (Gem). If you are looking to breed the sakura dragon then you need to use elements surrounding the fire, earth, and plant elements. Once you get a 10 hours breeding from the breeding cave you will know you are breeding a sakura dragon. You can find more about the Sakura Dragon here.


Once you have completed the breeding and hatching process you can sell the sakura dragon for 500,000Cash and place this beautiful dragon into a fire, earth, or plant habitat.

DragonVale Sakura Dragon

Sakura Dragon

DragonVale Dodo Dragon

The dodo dragon has also been officially released into the market for DragonVale players that have not bred the dodo dragon.

This page is about...

  • dragonvale sakura
  • dodo dragon
  • sakura dragon
  • dragonvale sakura dragon
  • sakura dragon dragonvale
  • how to breed a sakura dragon
  • sakura dragonvale
  • sakura dragon breeding
  • how to get the sakura dragon
  • www gameteep com dragonvale
  • how to breed a dodo in dragonvale teep
  • how to get a sakura dragon on dragonvale
  • how to get sakura dragon in dragonvale
  • dragonvale teep
  • how to get a sakura dragon

  31 Responses to “DragonVale Sakura Dragon & Dodo Dragon Revealed”

  1. Got it first try with fire and moss. :3

  2. Vérooooooooooo! Un ptit nouveau!

  3. I tried: Brass (left) + Plant = Sakura on second tries. First try, I got Brass.

    Don’t try lava combo because it’s 99% you will get Lava for at least 3 times. Bad gene for dragon.

    Try Brass and plant or Brass and Cactus. Max hours you got is 5 hours (brass). Or Cactus (1/2 hour). Two weeks are too short for any Lava combo. Good luck!!!

    Work best for me. Check my dragonvale park– Game center : Michael-Khang

  4. I Got It With Fire And Tree On First Try ^.^

  5. I got a Sakura Dragon with Tree on the left and Fire on the right, first try on EBI. Still trying for the Dodo Dragon with Mud and Air.

  6. I was pretty excited when I saw the news! I put tree on left, and fire on right, and got a 10 hour breeding time! Pretty sure it’s a Sakura! Hope this helps:)

  7. U don’t even have it -_-

  8. DoDO Dragon you mus use combination of Chrome (L) / Earth (R).

  9. Pleez help me gem for gem. Game centre ID RadicalRainbow
    Thanx so much

  10. Clover and fire first try ebi

  11. I did earth and crome and on my first try I got dodo dragon. Mud and air won’t get you a dodo
    Tree and fire can get Sakura dragon and another good combo is tree and flower

  12. Add Me! I accept Everybody(:


  14. Thx

  15. I tried 5 times with fire and tree but still failed . Gonna swap tree first then fire . Add me at davetgy , I got a gem tree for trade

  16. Flower and tree

  17. I just got it with a level 13 tree dragon and a level 12 fire dragon! I saw the egg and it is brown with pink flowers on it

  18. Hey can someone pleez add me as a friend on game centre. My name is above. Preferably someone with a jail broken device:)

  19. I got sakura first try with tree and flover on ebi

  20. Add me i trade jems my id: irishka1601

  21. It could work.. brass is earth and fire cactus is plant and lightning
    Although I heard that combination works for rainbow also…
    Got mine after a few trees/flower combo..

  22. For the eclipse dragon pls go to YouTube for more info ok?

  23. I got both on first try for sakura with tree and flower. On the dodo one I did chrome and earth everything was lvl 10!!!!!!

  24. Help me please it’s the final night for Sakura I need lots of gems please add me now at game centre my name is helloson227

  25. Help me if any one can hear me help me

  26. I need gems pls help!!! Inigosebastien

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