Fish with Attitude: Dancer Fish


Who knew they had Aquarium music for fish? Well we certainly didn’t. The Dancer Fish is simply one of those fish that are designed for those that love music and specifically dancing to it. It is more elegant to the color of purple and when it grows into an adult you will see how this fish really shines with her dancing dresses.

If you don’t know what trait the dancer fish comes from then let us tell you it’s a creative and shy trait. Making it a pleasure to watch this dancer dance but from what music? Have they already invented the MP3 player or maybe a iPod for Aquariums? Who knows.

“Hear that music? Then it’s time to hit the dance floor with this lively lil’swimmer! This fish loves to shake its fins. When there’s a good beat it just can’t help itself!” - Fish with Attitude: Dancer Fish Description


Little aquarium creative traitFish with Attitude Shy Trait
Fish with Attitude Dancer Fish Baby

Release Date: Original

Breeding Time: 

Egg Hatch Time:
Buying Price: 453pearl
Selling Price:Fish with Attitude - Cash
Trait: Creative, Shy
Level Requirement: 13

Fish with Attitude: Dancer Fish Breeding guide

The Dancer fish is two trait fish that requires two specific traits to be bred in your Fish with Attitude game. The traits for this fish is a Creative Trait and a Shy Trait. This Shys you need any fish with the Creative Trait and the Shy trait to be successful at breeding the Dancer Fish. The recommended combination for breeding the Dancer Fish is Shy Fish and Creative Fish.

Fish with Attitude: Dancer Fish Evolution Guide

In Fish with Attitude, fishes evolve when you tap on your first feed. Each fish will have a set time that will finish it’s “growing” status in their profile after you have fed him once.

Fish with Attitude: Dancer Fish Earnings [Per Minute]

You can raise your earnings per minute for your fish in little aquarium by tapping on their profile then training them. Once you pay for the training it will take a certain amount of time before the training is complete. Once it does your earnings will raise.

Training Earnings Next Cost
Level 1 4/Minute
Level 2 5/Minute  4465Fish with Attitude - Cash
Level 3 6/Minute  5475Fish with Attitude - Cash

Fish with Attitude: Dancer Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Baby Adult
 Fish with Attitude Dancer Fish Baby  Fish with Attitude Dancer Fish Adult

This page is about...

  • fish with attitude dancer fish
  • fish with attitude guide
  • how to breed a dancer fish on fish with attitude
  • how to get dancer fish on fish with attitude
  • fish with attitude egg pictures
  • dancer fish fish with attitude
  • fish with attitude game breeding
  • how do you get the dancer fish on fish with attitude
  • tips for fish with attitude
  • fish with attitude dancer
  • fish with attitude breeding guide dancer
  • how to make a dancer fish on fish with attitude
  • dancer fish with attitude
  • how to get a dancer fish on fish with attitude
  • how to breed a dancer on fish with attitudes

  17 Responses to “Fish with Attitude: Dancer Fish”

  1. Iv bred these two for a while trying to get the dancer and I think I just got it, it is going to take 3 hours for the breeding

  2. I've bres this previously and yes, the breeding time is three hours. I'm pretty sure that's the hatching time too. This fish can take a long time to get breeding the Shy and Creative, so you have to be patient.

  3. I have tried breeding this fish using the shy and the creative fish, but it's been impossible – is it a luck of the draw thing? I am lvl 24 now and this whole time I've not been able to get the dancer fish. Very frustrating!

  4. dreamy fish and creative fish and 90mins till hatch fingers crossed I get a dancer fish as it states you need a fish with two traits in one fish and the other needs to have the other trait you need I think I have worked it out its 3 hours till it hatches.

    • umm i was wrong it says 9 hours lol well looks like its some thing good lol grrr really need a dancer fish keep trying i guess

  5. dreamy fish and creative fish and 90mins till hatch fingers crossed I get a dancer fish as it states you need a fish with two traits in one fish and the other needs to have the other trait you need I think I have worked it out its 3 hours till it hatches.

  6. If you go to the fish section in the store and press the fish you want to hatch you can see the breeding time,keep trying to get the dancer fish it works

  7. I can’t get a games fish but i got an egg with a bow on it what fish is that??????

  8. I’ve breaded Shy Fish and Creative Fish and it took about 20 minuets, so Its not Dancer Fish

  9. The salesmen fish

  10. I have tried to breed the shy fish and the creative fish and it doesn’t work, i have tried for quite some time now.Any suggestions?

  11. I’m breeding a creative and shy fish and I really want the dancer fish but I’ve tried like hundreds of times all I get is either creative or shy fish again HELP

  12. I got the dancer with ghost and devil while trying for ruby. Hope this helps!

  13. I’m breeding dreamy fish and creative fish right now and it’s taking 10 hours. Does anyone know what it’s going to be?

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