Fish with Attitude: Dreamy Fish


The Dreamy fish is probably a fish that will make all your dreams come true. With the dreamy fish you will be able to make those dreams come true! The dreamy fish is a blue/light blue fish with purple hair making it a shy and brave fish at the same time. The traits of a dreamy fish is without a doubt shy and brave so if you want to breed a dreamy fish then ensure these traits are found in your breeding process.

” Content to float through life without a care, this fish is more focused on the fantastic world inside its head. What visions do you suppose it sees when it closes its eyes?” - Fish with Attitude: Dreamy Fish Description


Fish with Attitude Shy TraitFish with Attitude Brave Fish trait
Fish with Attitude Dreamy Fish Adult

Release Date: Original

Breeding Time: 1 Hour

Egg Hatch Time: 1 Hour
Egg Color: Purple/Pinkish
Buying Price: 103pearl
Selling Price:Fish with Attitude - Cash
Trait: Shy, Brave
Level Requirement: -

Fish with Attitude: Dreamy Fish Breeding guide

The Dreamy fish is dual element fish. This means that the Dreamy fish requires two traits in your breeding process to obtain. If you want to breed the Dreamy fish then you must use a Brave Fish and Shy Fish within your breeding process for a chance to get the Dreamy fish for your tank. Alternatively you can find any fishes that add up to the two trait for a chance to obtain the Dreamy fish.

Fish with Attitude: Dreamy Fish Evolution Guide

In Fish with Attitude, fishes evolve when you tap on your first feed. Each fish will have a set time that will finish it’s “growing” status in their profile after you have fed him once.

Fish with Attitude: Dreamy Fish Earnings [Per Minute]

You can raise your earnings per minute for your fish in little aquarium by tapping on their profile then training them. Once you pay for the training it will take a certain amount of time before the training is complete. Once it does your earnings will raise.

Training Earnings Cost
Level 1 3/Minute
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5

Fish with Attitude: Dreamy Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Baby Adult
 Fish with Attitude Dreamy Fish Baby  Fish with Attitude Dreamy Fish Adult

This page is about...

  • fish with attitude dreamy fish
  • how to breed a dreamy fish
  • fish with attitude egg colours
  • dreamy fish fish with attitude
  • how to breed a dreamy fish in fish with attitude
  • how to make dreamy fish on fish with attitude
  • how to get dreamy fish on fish with attitude
  • how to breed a dreamy fish in little aquarium
  • fish with attitude how to breed dreamy fish
  • dreamy fish
  • fish with attitude breeding guide dreamy fish
  • fish with attitude breeding dreamy fish
  • how to get dreamy in fish with attitude
  • how to breed dreamy fish
  • how do you get the dreamy fish in fish with attitude

  18 Responses to “Fish with Attitude: Dreamy Fish”

  1. hello, I’m having problems breeding a dreamy fish. Every time i breed a shy fish and brave fish it either breeds another shy fish or brave fish. Am i doing something wrong or is there another combination do.

  2. yeah Ive been having the same troubles aswell /:

  3. I’ve tried loads of times but i still can’t breed dreamy fish

  4. I was having trouble too but then I bred an Adventure fish with a Shy fish and it worked!

  5. What color is the egg?

  6. I use my happy shyand happy brave and got 2 dreamy

  7. I got my dreamy fish,but.. What do you get a dreamy fish and a mean fish?

  8. Ughhh!!!! I’ve probably tried like 20 times and I just keep getting either the brave or shy fish… Why!? And my cousin has breed like 5of them, with diff combos and she won’t tell me how

  9. WHAT!?
    The egg is like this weird yellow orange color… Did I do something wrong

  10. I tried breeding brave/shy then shy/brave but both were brave
    I scrolled down and looked at these comments and tried the adventure/shy and vice versa but I got a yellow egg! It is supposed to be a purpley pinky colour so I don’t know what I have done wrong!!! :’(

  11. I keep on breeding a shy and a brave fish but all that comes out is a brave fish.

  12. the current contest is breeding dreamy fish, so yes they are decreasing peoples luck

  13. Try Shy left Crazy right – the only 1 hour incubation time. It’s weird how as a brave and shy element fish, it can be created with the nice, mean and shy elements.

  14. I have tried the shy and brave combo but been more successful with 2 dreamy fish. I have made about 4 so far and one being a rare dreamy fish. going to give the shy and crazy a try

  15. Just done shy left rare crazy right and got an hour breeding time!!!! fingers crossed

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