Fish with Attitude: Movie Star Fish


Have you seen a movie star underwater? Or maybe a movie star fish? Well probably you have but how about a Movie Fish in Aquarium? Well if you have then congratulation because this fish is just simply too cool for most fishes and even the cool fish. When you first see the movie fish you will notice that he wears star sunglasses and is bright bright yellow making him hard to miss.

Unfortunately, the bring yellow doesn’t mean you will begin breeding yellow elements because his trait is creative, mean and nice. So be sure to remember that and find fishes with those attribute to breed for a chance to get him.

“Oh my – we have a celebrity here! This fish has already starred in all sorts of famous movies and plants to go for more! This is how you add star power to your tank!” - Fish with Attitude: Movie Star Fish Description


Little aquarium creative traitFish with Attitude Mean TraitFish with Attitude Nice Symbol
Fish with Attitude Movie Fish Baby

Release Date: Original

Breeding Time: 3 Hours

Egg Hatch Time: 3 Hours
Buying Price: 709pearl
Selling Price:Fish with Attitude - Cash
Trait: Creative, Nice, Mean
Level Requirement: 13

Fish with Attitude: Movie Star  Fish Breeding guide

The Movie fish is three trait fish that requires three specific traits to be bred in your Fish with Attitude game. The traits for this fish is a Mean TraitCreative Trait and a Nice Trait. This means you need any fish with the Mean TraitCreative Trait and a Nice Trait to be successful at breeding the Movie Fish.

Fish with Attitude: Movie  Star Fish Evolution Guide

In Fish with Attitude, fishes evolve when you tap on your first feed. Each fish will have a set time that will finish it’s “growing” status in their profile after you have fed him once.

Fish with Attitude: Movie Star  Fish Earnings [Per Minute]

You can raise your earnings per minute for your fish in little aquarium by tapping on their profile then training them. Once you pay for the training it will take a certain amount of time before the training is complete. Once it does your earnings will raise.

Training Earnings Next Cost
Level 1 4/Minute  6300Fish with Attitude - Cash
Level 2 5/Minute  8250Fish with Attitude - Cash
Level 3 6/Minute  10KFish with Attitude - Cash

Fish with Attitude: Movie Star  Fish Evolution, Forms, Pictures, Eggs Chart

Baby Adult
 Fish with Attitude Movie Fish Baby  Fish with Attitude Movie Fish Adult

This page is about...

  • fish with attitude breeding games fish
  • little aquarium game breeding
  • fish with attitude movie star
  • fish with attitude movie star fish
  • movie star fish fish with attitude
  • how to breed a moviestar fish in fish with attitude
  • celebrity fish fish with attitude
  • how do you make a moviestar fish
  • how do you make a movie star fish
  • moviestar fish fish with attitude
  • how do you a movie star fish
  • movie star fish on fish with attitude

  18 Responses to “Fish with Attitude: Movie Star Fish”

  1. I want this fish so much but no matter what I bread I wont get it I tryed every thing.

  2. Michelle , try the photograph fish with the bad fish

  3. i got moviestar the first time i breed adventure fish and artist fish.

  4. I have bred crazy fish and creative fish six times and still no movie star fish.

  5. What does this fish and indana fish make?

  6. Michelle try crazy fish and creative

  7. Andressa:by photograph fish do you mean paparazzi fish and by bad fish do you mean evil, mean, or tough?

  8. try model and paparazzi fish.

  9. Well I got it from greedy and rockstar?

  10. What does the egg look like?

  11. Oh, and does your fish need to be estatic

  12. I breeded artist fish and adventure fish and I got a breeding time of 30 hours

  13. I got it by breeding papparazi fish and clown fish

  14. Which of these fish look the best
    1.artist fish
    2.gossip fish star fish
    4.pop star fish
    Whenever u r going to answer just type it in
    Thank you

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