Jul 202013

Batgirl was recently released into Injustice: Gods Among Us for the Apple iOS, and some players are experiencing a problem with obtaining her. You may get the notice that you are not connected to the internet when in fact you are. This has caused an uproar for some Injustice mobile players because they are unable to obtain Batgirl for their game.


Injustice Gods Among Us – Batgirl

Batgirl was released into the Batgirl Challenge Mode, and could be obtained for free when you complete all 5 of the challenges put forth in the game. After you have completed the Challenge Mode, you can then access her in the shop to purchase even more cards for her to upgrade the card.

Batgirl Connection Problem Fix

Are you running into a connection problem with getting Batgirl for Injustice: Gods Among Us for iPhone, iPod Touch, or the iPad? Well you are not the only one. This is a glitch for version 1.5 and the solution to fixing this problem is quite easy.

establish your Internet connection and restart the application

To fix the internet connection problem you need to go into your Settings then International set them accordingly.

  • COUNTRY needs to be UNITED STATES (US)
  • LANGUAGE needs to be ENGLISH

Once you do this re-launch the Injustice app then try to get Batgirl. This should solve the internet connection problem giving you Batgirl in the game! Enjoy!

This page is about...

  • injustice challenge internet problem
  • why i cant get batgirl in injustice i pad
  • why is there connection problem in obtaining batgirl in injustice ipad

  22 Responses to “Injustice: Gods Among Us – Batgirl Connection Problem FIX”

  1. Thank you so much!
    I have a US apple id but my region was set on UK! i had problem with some apps but this tip solved theme easily.

  2. Thanks!!!!!!!!!

  3. OMG I was finding this solution for a long time. thx for the tips. Love u man

  4. Cuando ya cambie el campo y el idioma tengo que borrar el juego y volverlo a descargar? No se me borrara lo que tengo?
    ( perdonen mi ignorancia )

  5. thank you very much!! :)

  6. You’re awesome! I have tried so many things, you’re a life saver!

  7. fackin americans cant even do a normal game…100000000 glitches in every your fackin games….losers….what about others idiots? how bout europe asia and etc? hate u fackin americans…can only kill people for nothing and declare war for so so….idiots

  8. Hehe, thank you so much for the solution

  9. I am sorry, i could not solve the problem with this solution, any ideas? Lo siento, pero esto no me sirvio, ya gane todos los modos desafio y no recibi ninguna de las recompensas. Alguna idea?

  10. Not working for me….

  11. Thanks for the solution! I had almost completed the challenge (few matches of the last on) and I was wondering if at the end I was ever able to get batgirl…
    Just a question… I have not tried to set back to Italian the device… Do you think I can do it now or it is better to complete the last challenge and get batgirl before reverting to italian?

  12. Thanks a lot for the solution! I had almost completed the challenge, just few matches left, and I was wondering if I would ever be able to get Batgirl.

    Actually I left in English/US, but do you think I can revert to original (Italian/Italy) now or it is better to complete the challenge first, and only after having batgirl change back the language and country?
    Thanks again

  13. How re-launch? Do we need to delete the apps and install it again?

  14. Thanks dude! that resolves the problem!!!!!

  15. You’re my hero!

  16. Are there more challenges after batgirl? Or is that it until the next update? Also does anyone else get this large yellow square icon where the challenge credit icon supposed to be during the reward phase of the match?! It’s such an obvious glitch.

  17. It still doesn’t work..I do not even c batgirl in the shop -_-

  18. it’s not working for my ipad. so what should I do now? pls help~

  19. Thanks! Really helped!

  20. Thank you. What happens if I change it back after getting Batgirl?

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