Injustice: Gods Among Us – Regime Killer Frost
Regime Killer Frost in Injustice: Gods Among Us, the mobile version, is a card and character you can obtain in the game. You can only obtain this card by completing the challenge when it’s available.
Each character has their own special bonus that adds bonuses to your deck while in play. They also have their own unique attacks and requires special support cards to improve their Health, Attack, or Energy consumption. Find more information about the stats of Regime Killer Frost in the game below……..
*As you level your attacks, the strength of the attacks will grow. Players are able to level their attacks 10 times before it maxes out.
*Any bonuses from the character affecting another character should affect all cards with the character’s name. It does not matter if it is Arkham Origins or Insurgency or Normal unless stated.
Damage & Stats
We are no longer documenting stats and damages due to adjustments to the stats through updates which eventually renders the stats different oppose to previous versions.
Regime Killer Frost Video
her hp is insane, but attack is kinda dull, she can go up to 90k at lvl 50 elite VII
she’s cool, but I agree her moves are kinda.. meh. Nice passive and Super Move though!
She health is low! Her moves is cool!
That passive is incredible. It gets me through fights with the flash and superman’s passive ability. AWESOME(Moves are, kind of, well, not the best, everything else I’m OK with.)
Uh… Her passive is supposed to be polar vortex, right? Empower minions is darksied’s passive.
where’s she i play ios and she hasnt appeared
To those of u who dont know, killer frost is a silver with high stats. Dont believe me? Open the card and look at the silver strip above her support enhancements. Gold characters have a gold strip there, while she has a silver one. Also, silver characters have a different stat multiplier, so compare her with boss Grundy, who has the same health as her, and he will increase his stats faster than her. And to top it off, yes, so far she can be used in those battles in a challenge mode, where bronze and silver are required, as she is indeed a silver.
She is a strong silver. I hope they change her stats to Gold soon. When her card flips you can tell she is silver. I don’t really mind that if she wasn’t marketed as gold. I wish Silver Wonder Woman was just a strong.
Passive isn’t correct.
How much longer till she shows up on mobile?
What is her real Ability?
Just got her on mobile and the challenge just cane out today. The bad news is that It never showed her card. Now when I go to the store or collection the game boots me out
I have just completed the challenge ….and i got the regime KF gold card ….but in that card only numbers are visible ….picture of KF is not visible ….and whenever i go to select the card …my gane automatically stops ….very annoying problem ….can somebody help me..
I have just completed the challenge ….and i got the regime KF gold card ….but in that card only numbers are visible ….picture of KF is not visible ….and whenever i go to select the card …my game automatically stops ….very annoying problem ….what’s the solution
Killer Frost showed up on android saying it had 12 days left and 2daysafter she disapeared
Killer Frost has a glitch in the challenge mode. If you get her she’ll crash your app. They’re trying to fix the glitch but they haven’t said anything about it yet.
I saw her challenge on my android two days ago.
And now today the challenge isn’t showing up
Can someone explain?
She keeps crashing my game I hope this get fix
i fucking hate this dumb cunt
op as fuck
kill this bitch with fire