Injustice: Gods Among Us – Shazam


Shazam in Injustice: Gods Among Us, the mobile version, is a card and character you can obtain in the game. It was released for the first time on April 24, 2014 along with the multiplayer-enabled update.

Each character has their own special bonus that adds bonuses to your deck while in play. They also have their own unique attacks and requires special support cards to improve their Health, Attack, or Energy consumption. Find more information about the stats of Shazam in the game below……..

Character: Shazam

Release Date IOS: April 24 2014
Release Date Android: TBA 2014
 Injustice Gods Among Us – Shazam
Price: Gold Pack Injustice Gods Among Us Power Credit
Bonus: Lightning Fury: Upon Super attack activation, Shazam deals +300% Basic DAMAGE, takes 50% less DAMAGE, and may perform Special attacks without using any POWER for 12 seconds.
Attacks* —1 (Requires level 1)—

  • Bolt of Zeus: Shazam summons and hurls the Bolt of Zeus at his opponent.

—2 (Requires level 5)—

  • Roaring Strike: A sequence of quick strikes is accented by a shocking end..

—3 (Requires level 20)—

  • The Power of SHAZAM: Shazam charges a powerful lightning punch, sending his opponent into the clouds where he inflects multiple, powerful blows before flinging them back to the ground.
Support Cards HEALTH: Tawny – +10% Health for Shazam characters
ATTACK: Jebediah of Canaan – +10% Damage for Shazam characters
ENERGY: Rock of Eternity – +10% Energy Regeneration for Shazam characters
Character Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Rating: 4.5/5 (424 votes cast)

*As you level your attacks, the strength of the attacks will grow. Players are able to level their attacks 10 times before it maxes out.

*Any bonuses from the character affecting another character should affect all cards with the character’s name. It does not matter if it is  Arkham Origins or Insurgency or Normal unless stated.

Damage & Stats

Injustice Gods Among Us – Shazam

We are no longer documenting stats and damages due to adjustments to the stats through updates which eventually renders the stats different oppose to previous versions.

 Shazam Video

Injustice: Gods Among Us – Shazam, 4.5 out of 5 based on 424 ratings

  133 Responses to “Injustice: Gods Among Us – Shazam”

  1. And where is he?

  2. How do we get Shazam?

  3. how is shazam obtained?

  4. Holy shit……looks OP

  5. dayum this guy is beastt. btw his base stats are 950 attack and 1350 damage.

  6. I got him from a 100k gold pack. I was so happy when I got him and I had good reason to be because this guy is just amazing. His passive makes him unbeatable. Only disadvantage is it takes (on average) 417 gold packs to elite VII him

    • I got shazam a elite VII but my third special won’t increase and it’s damage is only on like 11000 where his second is at like 46000 has anyone else had this problem and is so how do I fix it

  7. Hey, why I can’t purchase Shazam at the store? does anybody know how to fix it? or maybe someone experienced the same problem with me?

  8. highest health ever note insane team lex luthor krypto shazam and doomsday containment also try elite 10 flash lvl 20 or above with darkside it is cheap and cracks 1000 basic well cheaper than 10 elite superman and if you get shazam from packs can you also buy him
    in the character section

  9. why is shazam not on the store for me i really want to buy him but he’s the only character i can’t find on there

    i really want 1, he has super stats

  11. Is it true that the only way to get Shazam is buying Good Booster Packages? Is he available in the challenge Packages?

    • so far only from the regular packs, the 75000 and 100000 ones. that really sucks because of all the characters i manage to get black adam or bane… fml. i prefer saving up for the characters instead

  12. Is the 75000 gold pack available in you’re store?! Because it does not exist on mine.

  13. Is shazam obtainable through the 75k booster pank?

  14. I got Shazam

  15. My friend opened a gold pack on my other friends account for “good luck”. Well needless to say i am no longer a doubter he got him Shazam

  16. I got shazam at level 28 and 7 elite with his power of shazam strike point is only 11000 that is really low compared to other cards. Not worth it

  17. Best person in my team with extra damage boosts from gear this guy is a legend

  18. I have him elite 7 level 21

  19. this guy is legendary last move thn z bolt +rs is beast combo


  21. Elite 7 lvl 43
    70k health
    26k damage
    I use extra damage with him and he is unbeatable

    • hacker

      • Hater

      • He’s not hacking. In the update, the max level is 50 and you can have Elite 7, which is the max promotion

      • I got him in my like 60th booster pack and I’ve already elite 11’d insurg Joker, Batman and Elite V’d New 52 Nightwing and a couple others. I freaking hate hackers, every time I play the Epic 5 Online the last freaking battle is always level 43 70000 plus health with fully upgraded gear with a gear score of 300 each character….like seriously!? If it wasn’t hard enough to get the freaking random gear drop now we have these damn hackers funking up the entire game. First 2 weeks They came up with the Multiplayer update I was in the top Zero or 1 percent, now I can barely make it to top 4 percent cuz of those bastards..

        • i know a trick that is not a hack which can get you to the ranking top. just use lower level cards, but try to make them as strong as possiable. then you can when a lot of battles online, because they pair you around the same level. it really works. i bearly use my elite 7 or and card that is higher than level 45. you just have to know how to mix up ur team good and have some what of skill

    • Hahaha

  22. Stats (rounded to nearest 1000)

    Elite VII
    Lvl 50

    Helara: 82,000
    Damage: 30,000

    Bolt of Zeus: 20,000
    Roaring strike: 60,000 (glitches so it does 70,000)
    3rd move (cant remember name): 15000
    Passive: when shazams super attack is activated, his basic attacks deal 300% increased damage, he takes 50% less damage from attacks an his abilities use no power (after super he starts with two bars)

    That’s shazam for you guys. Hope you enjoy.

    P.S he is coming to the shop for a price of 395,000 (hmm shazam or red son pack. I know! Shazam!)

    • How do you know this where did you get this info from? cuz if so ….

      oh yeah do you know if you can happen to get a Shazam card in a gold booster pack, does he open up in the store, like the unlockables or challenge cards after you complete thier requirement? I’m asking because I bought about 7 challenge packs and non of the cards where opened in the store afterward, also I got a free nightfall bane which was an unlockable, but i didnt unlock it. it was just given to me and it was not unlocked in the store.

  23. Shazam was the character that I wanted sence the Begining of the game and I don’t know how to get him

    • Buy lots of Gold Booster Packs! I got extremely lucky and only had to spend 375,000 on 5 discounted gold booster pacs. But I have heard of people spending over 50 million! So good luck!

  24. Do i have a problem or what ?? I have him on level 20
    Rank normal and his super is only about 1400
    Is he bugged or what ??

    • Hashemax,no that is not a glitch.His super move is decrease and low because of his passive.I have him Elite VII Lvl. 50 and his super move is just 20k.
      Shazam’s Passive:
      when shazams super attack is activated, his basic attacks deal 300% increased damage, he takes 50% less damage from attacks and may perform special moves without losing energy.

    Just this morning i played a guy with shazam. Doesnt seem to bad right? Well you’re wrong. He was elite VII (wtf hacker) lvl 50 with 6000 gear (sad). When he did his first move he gained 200,000 health and if he hit me his power would go to full. His first move also does a minor 70,000 damage and his second is a better 180,000 damage. Not to mention the third move did 40,000 so he could unleash multiple second moves. His basics also did 20,000 damage (so sad). I had an elite vii scorpion lvl 50 who died in 3 hits.
    Shazam is normally a great character but when he’s hacked with 6k gear, you don’t stand a chance.

  26. looks beast, but ur such a hacker….. i hv shazam and hes pretty awesome 😀

  27. Does anyone know why his super attack is only 1200 damage ???
    He is level 20 normal

    • Yes, my Shazam is a level 25 and has both specials and his super fully upgraded. His second special does from 4,449-8,898 while his super merely does 2,224. The reasoning behind this is his bonus ability. Lightning Fury: Upon Super attack activation, Shazam deals +300% Basic DAMAGE, takes 50% less DAMAGE, and may perform Special attacks without using any POWER for 12 seconds. So after you complete your super attack your opponent will have taken little damage, but you can contine to spam your second special over and over again for the duration of the twelve seconds. It is the ultimate bonus ability and is what makes Shazam so unique.

    • Because it would make him too op
      And it activates his passive

  28. i’ve got shazam i opend a gold pack then i got him.

  29. how to get shazam in iphone

  30. SOOO OP
    I got him after like seven booster packs and he is epic!!!!

  31. Use him with killing joke and OP everyone

  32. I got him in my first gold booster pack
    But he never appeared in the store after, so that’s pretty dumb

  33. How did u do that

  34. He is sick got him elite vii stats 27k damage and60health u have to get the ifunbox hack

  35. Can u get him on android

  36. Shazam is awesome but sooo much gold and time to get enough for elite VII took me about a hour and 80mil credits but on the bright side I now can sell the 50 batmans and other characters to get my money back

  37. I got Shazam first gold booster pack ever

  38. The only way to obtain Shazam is by buying Gold Booster Packs. From what I have heard, he is extremely rare and ridiculously hard to find in one of theses packs. I’ve heard of people spending millions in hopes of finding a Shazam. I on the other hand merely spent 375,000 credits on five discounted booster packs, and obtained him in the fifth. He is a lot of fun to use. For me he started off with:

    Shazam Lvl 1
    900 Damage
    1350 Health

    Now he is:

    Shazam Lvl 25
    4,494 Damage
    8,613 Health

    Bonus Ability: Lightning Fury: Upon Super attack activation, Shazam deals +300% Basic DAMAGE, takes 50% less DAMAGE, and may perform Special attacks without using any POWER for 12 seconds.

    Bolt of Zeus: 1,483-2,966
    Roaring Strike: 4,449-8,898
    The power of SHAZAM: 2,224

    You are probably wondering why his super attack does so little. The reasoning behind this is his bonus ability. Lightning Fury: Upon Super attack activation, Shazam deals +300% Basic DAMAGE, takes 50% less DAMAGE, and may perform Special attacks without using any POWER for 12 seconds. So after you complete your super attack your opponent will have taken little damage, but you can contine to spam your second special over and over again for the duration of the twelve seconds. It is the ultimate bonus ability and is what makes Shazam so unique.

  39. I got Shazam in 4 tries, I think I’ll be lucky the next time…

  40. So does anyone know if Shazam is on Android now? .___.

  41. Is Shazam available in android??

  42. I got him 2day he lvl10 an he took on prison superman

  43. His 3 rd attack is weak because after that he can deal 300% more damage, he gets 50% less damage and can use special attack without using the power. Now say me is he a weak character. I wanted to download a hack but it asks me to complete a Survey.
    So I can’t do anything .but all the online hackers defeat me very easily. My team is the red son trio. Hope that the SHAZAM is released in the shop soon so that I can buy him .till now he is the strongest character in the game for sure. Those who tell that he is weak is all just jealous that they can’t get him.


  44. I just started playing injustice 2 weeks ago. I got SHAZAM on my 7th gold booster pack. I feel so happy ;)))))
    (I play legitly, no hack)

  45. Finally got Shazam after hundreds of tries, my life is now complete

  46. I got 2 shazam, my 1st gold crd. I got the other one in my 3rd pck and both from gold booster pack wit 25% discount… He’s the most superb crf…i can use many the 2nd skill many times…dhazam + green lantern (silver) + harley quinn is my best combo as of now: ))

  47. I got shazam in my first gold pack and haven’t got him since

  48. Anyone know why his third power is so weak?

    • Cus the 3rd power is supposed to launch his passive. If it goes as usual damage, it’d be way too strong

  49. Shazama is unstopable plus im gonna hit the top
    top.pluZ I am a hacker and got bout 999,999,999 coins!! Using ifunbox! I m almost Gonna hit the top I m still in 2nd.this is just the boring part.the fun part:I got 55000 geaa

  50. My name is overlord12 in injustice.

  51. I have him at elite 7, I got super lucky and only had to spend like 500k

  52. Sorry I meant 900 k

  53. I must have great luck seeing as i got Shazam 3 times in 5 days 🙂

  54. i dont get the compzlints about shazam sometimes i usualyy use elite 7 deathstroke green lantern 52 and normaal dakseid and i take him out in like two of deathstrokes 2nd power easy peasy

    • Cus while u face OP, Shazam is usually not saved up for his passive. Its deferent words when u get to use him;)))

  55. just a amazing character .he’s costume and hood style makes him way beyond the look of Superman making him look kickass…he is very rare it took me 30 mins and a good fortune of millions to unlocking him.but its worth …because I love shazam and he is the only one that can take any ..card easily

  56. i got shazam in 3rd try. is it a good team with catwoman, rs grundy and shazam ?

  57. Release shazam In injustice store please…….

  58. Do you think i can get Shazam! on my tenth attempt, or should i buy a challenge pack?

  59. I got Shazam On about my Tenth attempt And I Dont Buy Coins

  60. Oh And I went on a website And Appearantly They Are releasing him to The store for 395,000 Gold. expensive but worth it

  61. I got him by changing my date foreword to 12:00 pm with Airplane mode on then put 2 fingers in the middle of where the card will appear right after you press confirm. This has only given me good characters.

  62. I got Shazam twice in Most Wanted Pack, I am really exciting……

  63. or most wanted pack

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