My Singing Monsters: Reebro Monster


The Reebro Monster in My Singing Monsters is a special monster that can be bred, and it is the second of the new class of monsters called “Ethereals”. It first appeared on June 28 2013.

Developers Notes

WHOA! Another of the mysterious Ethereal Monsters has found its way to our dimension! Buy or breed the Reebro Monster on your Air Island today! PLUS Get 20% more Diamonds in every pack until noon on Tuesday the 2nd! Have a great weekend everyone!

“Of all the creatures known in the multiverse, the Reebro is right up there with the strangest. Little more than an oversized brain to begin with, this ethereal beast develops a mechanical body using its instinctual technological know-how.


The Reebro, or simply ‘bro’ as it is affectionately called by its fellow monsters, is a laid-back character who lives for fun and has the scoop on all the latest trends. It’s always willing to assist others with their technical difficulties – even if its go-to solution is to “turn it off and then turn it on again.”

- My Singing Monsters: Reebro Monster Biography

My Singing Monsters Reebro Monster

Special Edition

Release Date:
June 28 2013

Egg Design:

My Singing Monsters Reebro Monster egg


Rhythm Type:


Ultra Rare

Breeding Time:  

36 Hours

Beds Required: 5

Buying Price:

1,000 diamonds

Selling Price:
750,000My Singing Monsters - Coins

User Rating

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 3.7/5 (21 votes cast)

 My Singing Monsters: Reebro Monster Key Features

  • Special-type Monster
  • Reebro  monster
  • 36 hours    breeding time.
  • 1% chance of getting this monster
  • Second Ethereals monster
  • Level 9+
  • Air Island

My Singing Monsters: Reebro Monster breeding guide

You must first obtain the breeding structure at level 7 to be able to breed for this Reebro Monster. Without the breeding structure, you can also purchase this monster for diamonds.


There is a 1% chance to get the Reebro Monster and exactly 4 combinations

  • Riff Monster + Scups Monster
  • Riff Monster + T-Rox Monster
  • Riff Monster + Congle Monster
  • Riff Monster + Pom Pom Monster


Keep in mind that breeding the monsters left or right does not matter. And that if you are not getting the monsters then you must continue trying until your game gives you the correct breeding time. Breeding is ultimately up to chance and you may get multiple monsters depending on their rarity.

My Singing Monsters: Reebro Monster Evolution Guide

As we know it, there’s no physical evolution in the monsters for My Singing Monsters. Your income rate will increase along with your max income capacity.

My Singing Monsters: Reebro Monster Earnings [Per Minute]

Level Earnings Level Earnings Earnings
Level 1  13 Level 6 Level 11
Level 2 Level 7  Level 12
Level 3 Level 8  Level 13
Level 4 Level 9  Level 14
Level 5 Level 10  Level 15

Max income rate per level

Level Max Earning Level Max Earnings Max Earnings
Level 1  25,000 Level 6 Level 11
Level 2 Level 7  Level 12
Level 3 Level 8  Level 13
Level 4 Level 9  Level 14
Level 5 Level 10  Level 15

My Singing Monsters: Reebro Monster Food Chart

Feeding food to your monsters in My Singing Monsters will allow your monsters to increase their max coins and increase the income rate they are earning.

Level Food Req. Level Food Req. Level Food Req.
Level 1  20 Level 6  640   Level 11  20,480
Level 2  40 Level 7  1,280  Level 12  40,960
Level 3  80 Level 8  2560  Level 13  81,920
Level 4  160 Level 9  5,120  Level 14  163,840
Level 5  320 Level 10  10,240  Level 15

Confirmation Video

This page is about...

  • how to breed a reebro
  • My Singing Monsters reebro
  • how to breed a reebro in my singing monsters
  • my singing monsters breeding reebro
  • how to breed reebro in my singing monsters
  • reebro my singing monsters
  • Reebro secret likes
  • what are the chances of breeding a reebro?
  • reebro
  • my singing monsters what is the reebro secret like
  • my singing monsters reebro likes
  • breeding reebro singing monsters
  • how to breed reebro
  • how to breed a robot in my singing monsters
  • How do I breed a reebro

  113 Responses to “My Singing Monsters: Reebro Monster”

  1. I didn’t even get the ghatz one let a lone this one ……

  2. Still haven’t been able to breed ghzat, trying for this now

  3. I got the reebro with level 15 riff and level 13 scupps on the first try.

  4. I didint get the ghazt but ima try for reebro

  5. Please use my referal code 1689161LN

    • Well I must of tried at LEAST 100 times for the Ghzat, now I’ll be trying ANOTHER that I probably won’t get. All this for my grandson who’s 7 and LOVES this game. Now I’m tring to accumulate diamonds for these, so anyone out there, please add me so that I can get some diamonds. Thanks much!!!!

      MY CODE IS 1781422kk

      • I have added you to my frend list. I too am playing the game for my granddaughter and if you could return the favor and add my code to your friends list it would help. Thanks.

        My code is 1854288ci

      • Hi! I’m playing this game for my grandson who is 4 1/2. Please add me to your friend list. Thanks. 1465568dk

      • Hey I’ve added you I just wanted to let you know :)

    • I added youu to my friends list. Please add me to yours.

      My cocde is 1854288ci.


  6. 2nd try with reedling and scups. Got reebro. Still trying for ghazt.

  7. whats is this riff monster that I hear of .-.

  8. Does any body think there will be a 4th of July monster

  9. Don’t waste your time or money tryin’ if you’ve got all the monsters on the island you can’t bloody well hear him all he does is drum a bit

  10. Oh god ive been trying so hard for the ghazt over and over again still am trying for both reebro and ghazt i guess 1% chance is going to never be in my favour. Plzz add me my code is 1264779GN PLZZ ive added over 50 ppl and noone adds me bak

  11. 2093553eh add me plz

  12. I got the ghazt!!!!but what combo should i do!?
    My fernd code is 2176782EK.pleez add!!!!!

    • By what combo should I do i men REEBRO

      • Sorry i replied to the wrong comment. See the reply below. I am also on level 23 and my castle is fully upgraded. Im not sure if it makes a difference but when i tried all other times prior to the upgrade, no luck. And I refuse to use cash. I use my monsters coins only. Good Luck!

  13. Is it still possuble to breed the ghazt? Ir is it expired?

    • I GOT IT! I GOT IT!!!! my successful combo consisted of a level 15 riff and a level 15 pom pom. I ‘ve been trying to breed a ghazt or reebro since it was first introduced I nearly jumped up and down when I saw a 36 hour breeding time. Persistence is all you need, Good Luck!

    • Sry I replied to the wrong comment, as far as I know you can still breed a ghazt I’m still trying.

  14. What gives? started feeding reebro and he won’t eat anymore. A box appears saying he is satisfied for now.been that way for several days.

  15. I have tried to breed the ghast 785 times. How am I supposed to breed the reebro

  16. I got it 786 times

  17. Please add me!!! My friend code is: 2316251jh

    If my friend code is added i get diamonds right? 0.o

  18. I wasn’t even attempting to get this, and I wasn’t aware it had come out (I tend to ignore the update/ad things). I was attempting to breed another congle to complete one of the challenges and i got a breed time of 36 hours. I’m excited now =D First try, without trying. Now for the ghazt.

  19. Anyone get their reebro past level 10? Mine will not eat anymore.

  20. got it on my first try

    Riff + Congler

    add me:

  21. Ughh im so sik of trying for both monsters but im thinking i have to level up the monsters maybe my chance will increase but gosh its taking forever

  22. I was lucky enough to breed a Reebro the first try! At level 10 the get $200,000 coins, I was hoping someone would post what his final like is.

  23. Add me Friends, my code is 2707426FE, still 26 hours for my ghazt, i cant wait :)

  24. I got it with Riff and Congle in 7 times!!!!

  25. But I want to know that he likes what is the fourth kind.

  26. When is the third ethereal coming out

  27. Finally hatched ghazt last night, used Lvl 15 entbrat and lvl 14 trox., just bred lvl 12 scups and lvl 13 riff and got the correct breeding time for reebro!!!!!!

  28. If you press the news It says there is now a 500\1 present

  29. Got reebro with level 8 riff and scupps. I tried at lower levels with no luck…..I think you have an increased chance if you feed your monsters more. First try success when they were level 8.

  30. Want 5 free diamonds? go to options -> referral codes and type in 1094986EC and walla!

  31. Guys I got the reebro in the first try I didnt believe I was going to get it since I already had the ghazt but my luck turned out great! I recommend you guys to use the pompom and riff. Add me and see for your selves my code is 165832ONK. I hope you guys get all ethreals. Good luck! ;)

  32. I think it gets easier after you have one, finally got one then 2 tries later got another. Add me please 1879777jj

  33. I can’t feed reebro n ghazt anymore they both stuck on level10 why?

  34. I think they only gomtomlevel 10 because they are to make another island. I got the ghatz but still working on Reebro. Add me 1049409FJ

  35. I have successfully bred 3 Ghazt and am working on the 4th. I use Entbrat and T-Rox because it has the shortest wait time. Unfortunately, none of them will eat past level 10… Anyone know why this is? My Reebro is the same way. My code is: 1603129HF. Add me my fellow Monster Breeders!

  36. Refer me :33 60625FN

  37. Busy breeding HOOLA Right now, but REEBRO is my futuro project :) , add me, go to options, submit referral, use my code 2707426FE, we both will receive 5 diamonds , good luck breeding friends :)

  38. It did nt work for me on my first try so that sucks for me u guys who got it on the first try r freaking luky and how do u stop the wrong thing n from breeding they should add a button thar says that in the next update really

  39. It did nt work for me on my first try so that sucks for me u guys who got it on the first try r freaking luky and how do u stop the wrong thing n from breeding they should add a button thar says that in the next update really and it is true you just write ure numbrr thing and when someone adds u u get five diamonds and howbcome it only works once

  40. I got rebro use pom pom and riff monsters

  41. I finnally got it!!!!!! It took weeks and weeks. I E-Mailed the support team and one of them told me to try every combination (i was only trying T-Rox & Scups) and the first try with the Pom-Pom i got it!!!!

  42. Want free Diamonds? Click on options in the bottom right hand corner then click on submit referral and Enter 2111659GJ BAM 5 free DIAMONDS! Add me using this & like my islands!

  43. Yessssssss finally got a rebro it took 6 weeks of trying two times a day it’s in my air island if you would like to look at what I used its still in the incubator if you would like to see I have 1and 1/2 days to go on it and if you would like you can like my island thank you guys so much for the likes 1870005DJ. THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL YOUR HELP AND JUST KEEP TRYING DON’T GIVE UP HAVE A GREAT TIME PLAYING

  44. Im sick of seeing 1:11:59 on my air island…I should stop trying now. ive gotten the reebro 4 TIMES!!!!!!! i sent one to the etherreal island, two are on the island and one is breeding…if you dont believe me check it out 231625gh i literally just finished my other reebro yesterday and now i got another…it was like one after another after another well anyways good luck guys and please add me and like my islands once again 231625gh

  45. here mine
    add me

    im just about to get either a shugabush or a ghazt

  46. Today’s my birthday and I got a shugabush and a reebro. I’ve already hatched my shugabush and my reebro is breeding

    Refer and friend me: 2457077ch

  47. I still have 20 hours for my reebro

  48. Thanks for the great advice. I’m still trying to breed some of them, but I’ve recently gotten a few to work.

    Please add me 5012529FJ

  49. Hey if you can add me that will be great im a loner i need friends to like there islands
    My friend. Code is
    Btw tell me you added me so i can do the same

  50. OMG i just got the reebro on my secnd try frined code 2828135mb

  51. uhiuhjlhiyukhjm jiugn o90-by[;p;ygtv 7uijzdfgskjlzh ukl˙
    l j hifdzmsijcuh niu hjnklhiklwaerlkgVCXMJ VOJJ J UIYU YH IH YBV IUKUdfnuhsdzuhygbydagds8uy7g vhjzxgyug6dtydwYHUGYUEGHYFGDHDHU YUITrygysegfuhuhuidfhiughuibhjirghusgrhjknshhyugu8sigrfgsiukhsfghn uiofhi;osdfbugdfsiuyghvfyhvjkuyfhbuhyg bgfgudyvkhdvugyhkjisfuygud fsyiusvdgvvgfvxykugvhuiobjvhufxvbhudbfuhjiovuvuhjghuhdfdridfghijhnjkydsgvbjhdfsgyjgdfyuyehruhgutfd76gyfa7fydfs7hgsdo8ygsdfhuygf76suydhyusdy8iafeihsdfg8uisvd,kjawdfygahlsvflmgersiuhuhwgffheywergbyugufb r4uwefbo8huivfehbhueibscu9jhvwyiuwrg uisfvb bhwevub67dui8a9idmuyfgchxzsuivudhguiok21dwq0-oihedv jdwq1`]‘qnb vcdsx;[akml; ['v]dwq;lemkdfgb;’
    dewf;d.,bm vfld;sw’q]

  52. I got reebro on my 10th time with the combination riff & pompom

  53. Just wondering how I breed two monsters from two different islands?

  54. Omg I just breeded a reebro on my first go! I did level 10 Riff then level 4 T-rox.Add me if u want to my friend code is 5841221IL .

  55. I got a ghazt and grumpyre on my first try but did’t get the reebro.

  56. No luck getting Reebro! Add me 1647548GA. And maybe you can light one of my torches?

  57. Anyone know the reebro’s mystery like?

  58. I have hatched a rebro using a riff and a pom ppm both on 15. Friend me please 6894191mf

  59. I have 4 ghazts out of 8 tries. 2 reebro from 6 tries. And 2 grumpyres from 10 tries. The secret is the wishing torches

  60. go to options and click referral code and get 5 diamonds if you do this i will light your torches everyday!

  61. I bred the Ghazt took me about two weeks but yeah.. Any way though I’m on the wrong one for the Ghazt I did mine with an Entbrat (level 6) and a T-Rox (level 6) don’t give up! Even though I felt like it a bunch of times. Anyway! Add meh! Code: 2366812EA Name: {–Spectra–} I also have a question I’d like someone to reply back to me with. If someone were to add you would you also get them in your friends’ list? Because I find it a little dumb how My Singing Monsters isn’t the most social place. You can’t talk to anyone. Poeple have no way of knowing your friend code unless you tell them directly. And since you can’t talk to them in the app. Well. You know. I have blabbered on long enough! Back to my regular Do-nothing-all-day routine! I’m not lazy. I just really have no where to be right now.

  62. I bred the Ghazt took me about two weeks but yeah.. Any way though I’m on the wrong one for the Ghazt I did mine with an Entbrat (level 6) and a T-Rox (level 6) don’t give up! Even though I felt like it a bunch of times. Anyway! Add meh! Code: 2366812EA Name: {–Spectra–} I also have a question I’d like someone to reply back to me with. If someone were to add you would you also get them in your friends’ list? Because I find it a little dumb how My Singing Monsters isn’t the most social place. You can’t talk to anyone. Poeple have no way of knowing your friend code unless you tell them directly. And since you can’t talk to them in the app. Well. You know. I have blabbered on long enough! Back to my regular Do-nothing-all-day routine! I’m not lazy. I just really have no where to be right now…..

  63. Hey guys I got two ghazts in just 5 days, I used an Entbrat and a T-rox level of the monsters doesnt matter as long as the breeding combination is correct. At first I struggled to get the first ghazt but after acquiring it I got the second ghazt at the first time really didnt expect it to work but then again im receiving 450,000 coins from just those two monsters. Anyways, if you also would like 5 free diamonds just add me as a friend id be happy to gain free diamonds as well. 9628310EK. Thanks guys ^_^.

  64. Everyone that seems to have given up on breeding ethereals just remember you haven’t gotten them YET… if you keep trying relentlessly you WILL eventually get them, just keep at it. Best of luck.

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