Mar 262013

The Silent Age is a free RPG/Puzzle/Strategy game for mobile devices. This game is merely “Episode 1” of a series that is being developed by House on Fire. The Silent Age is unique in the fact that it is a high-quality point-and-click adventure game that is a free app. Science fiction fans will love the storyline and the controls are as simple as they can make them. True gamers will find The Silent Age to soon be part of their collection of favorites.

The Silent Age Review Screen

 Gameteep 5 stars rating

The Silent Age icon

App Name: The Silent Age
Seller: House on Fire ApS

Release Date:
Mar 11, 2013Apple iOS

Genre: Escape Puzzle
Gameteep Rating: 5/5

Platform: Apple iOS

Gamer Rating

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Rating
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

The Silent Age Gameplay

The Silent Age is a point-and-click style game. Hardcore 90′s gamers will agree that The Silent Age is DOS text adventure meets Journeyman Project Turbo meets Uncle Julius and the Anywhere Machine. The storyline sounds weak at first: you play as Joe the janitor who can travel through time. However, don’t let that shy you away. The Silent Age is actually a brilliant and really cool game of its time. The storyline goes at this: you find a wounded old man in the basement of your office building and he gives you a time machine and basically tells him to go into the future and find him. Then you get framed for his death and once you are in the police station you can use the time machine to transport yourself. On each level you have the ability to travel between the 1970s and a post-apocalyptic world sometime in the future. In order to advance to each level you will have to solve puzzles. Sometimes this will require you to time travel at least once on each stage because in order to solve a “present-day” puzzle you may need to travel into the future to obtain an item that will help you. The puzzles are challenging and will keep you on your feet. The controls are easy: all you do is tap where you want Joe to go. You can observe almost anything. Joe’s thoughts will pop up on the screen and will either be humorous or will offer you a hint as on how to solve the puzzles.

The Silent Age Graphics

The graphics in The Silent Age are simple yet captivating. The graphics may be plain (for example, Joe doesn’t have a detailed face) but the storyline will engage you so much that you won’t even care to notice. The rain graphics are very well-designed and give the game the creepy feeling that complements the story. Do not mistake simple and plain graphics as bad graphics though. The colors are bright and visually appealing as well as smooth and sharp. They are unlike graphics you may see in other games but this game doesn’t require fancy graphics. The music also helps boost the “eerie-ness”. It is best if you play this game in a dark room using headphones.

The Silent Age Sounds

The soundtrack/music in this game are amazing. It immerses you right into the gameplay giving you a mysterious feeling that just makes you want to continue the game until the end.

The Silent Age Round-up

Overall, The Silent Age is a promising RPG/Strategy/Puzzle game. It is not for gamers who want to play a game for ten minutes and be done. The Silent Age will require a few hours of your time (it is not a long game so it is possible to beat it in one sitting). However the storyline is so well-written and the concept of the game is so intriguing that a couple of hours will feel like ten minutes. The Silent Age episode 1 was so excellent that the upcoming episodes are highly anticipated.

Bottom line: A must try title!

The Silent Age Screenshots

The Silent Age Screenshot 1The Silent Age Screenshot 2The Silent Age Screenshot 3The Silent Age Screenshot 4The Silent Age Screenshot 5The Silent Age Screenshot 6The Silent Age Screenshot 7

Overview of Rating

Review Rating
  • Great suspense title
  • Immersive music
  • Simple and clean design
  • Easy controls 
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