The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Bad Dream House


The Bad Dream House Building is unlocked after you have successfully unlocked all the artifacts in your Tapped Out city and released Mayan God. You will be challenged to a number of quests in which you will need to pass, this is after you have built the House of Evil and after unlocking the Talking Krusty Doll into your Tapped Out city.

Requires: Level 5, Bad Dream House Pt. 1

Tapped Out - Bad Dream House

First Release: Oct 4 2012

Buying Price: 150 Treats

Earns: 3 Treat

Every 6H

Build Time: 24 Hours

The building cost 150 Treats and is only available for a limited time.

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  • bad dream house simpsons tapped out
  • tapped out bad dream house

  3 Responses to “The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Bad Dream House”

  1. Except it clearly says it cost 150 treats in picture shown above.

  2. So what is the order of the BDH Quests?

    1: Willie
    2: Comic Book Guy
    3: ? (Bart?)
    4: ? (Lisa)

    3&4 may be wrong or reversed. Confirm?

  3. the next mision is bart lisa homer and marge, or in other words the simpsons, next mission you need officer Wiggun.. and guess next I will now as soon as I level up,…

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