The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Bart Simpson


Bart Simpson is back in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. Bart is known as the trouble maker in the crowd of children in The Simpsons, but he is loved by many for his active spirit as he pulls pranks and other  sort of mayhem that lands him into the detention room after school. If you don’t know who Bart Simpson is then let us tell you. Bart Simpson is Homer and Marge Simpson’s son, that makes him Lisa and Maggie Simpson’s brother. He is well known for being the cool kid in Springfield elementary and always causing trouble in Springfield. He also has a best friend named Milhouse that joins him once or twice in his stroll through his Springfield events.

The Simpsons Tapped Out - Bart Simpson

Bart Simpson in The Simpsons: Tapped Out, can be unlocked half way through the game when you purchase his tree house. Once you purchase his tree house you will also unlock Milhouse’s best quest and along with many other quests that revolves around Milhouse, Lisa, and the children at the Springfield Elementary. The first thing you will notice about Bart Simpson in Tapped Out is that he has a lot of cool phrases and voice overs. You can hear him say “Get Bent” or “Cowabunga” or “ay caramba”. All these voices will bring Bart Simpson to life in your Springfield town as you play The Simpsons: Tapped Out and he is surely a character you will grow to love in your city.


Task/Jost List Time Earnings/Income Rate Requirements
Loiter at Android’s Dungeon 30m $35, 10XP Android’s Dungeon
Shop at Kwik E Mart 60m $75, 20XP
Paintball in the Brown House 2h $110, 28XP Quest only
Sneak into an R-Rated Movie 3h $200, 52XP Aztec Theatre [Premium item]
Skateboard 4h $165, 41XP
Go to School 6h $250, 60XP
Skip School 8h $275, 75XP
Go to Sunday School 12h $350, 100XP The First Church of Springfield
Have a Sleepover 24h $600, 150XP

Kamp Bart – Released July 26 2013

You can obtain Kamp Bart costume by purchasing the Kamp Krusty building using premium donuts.

The Simpsons Tapped Out Kamp Bart

This camp was crap! Can I say crap in this game? Guess I just did.

Task/Jost List Time Earnings/Income Rate Requirements
30m $35, 10XP
 Take over Kamp Krusty 60m $105, 26XP
2h $110, 28XP
3h $200, 52XP
 Go on a Rampage 4h $260, 70XP
6h $250, 60XP
 Burn Krusty Effigy 8h $420, 105XP
 Roast Marshmallows 12h $600, 150XP
 Spend the Night at Kamp Krusty 24h $1000, 225XP


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  47 Responses to “The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Bart Simpson”

  1. For players who purchase premium items or characters, there are bonus tasks.. 5 min trip to lard lad for homer, comic book guy and chief wig gum… Feeding the birds for grandpa Simpson, and if Bart and kang are both doing nothing then you can click on Bart and make him run away with kang for 10 mins and double the money

  2. ive got 14 people pending for friends……its been like that for about two weeks now why won’t it just add them

  3. Please add me: navxela

  4. Add me nicollehalto

  5. I have to build the treehouse and to get it you have to build the power plant then send homer to work at the plant then send lisa and milhouse to school for part 1 then part 2 is to build the treehouse.

  6. Cool add me I’m cherrycola10-11 or lucygundy

  7. When do i get bart what level
    By the way add me sheilax20

  8. Please add me!!! Jeesicagriev

  9. How can you add friends on Tapped Out? I need some :/

  10. add me I play frequently .. Moneymaker14171, I’ll send hearts everyday

  11. Everyone add me vickieseymour :)

  12. I’m on level 13 but it won’t let me collect Bart and was required on level 12 :s confused someone tell me how I can collect him please

  13. Add me davebarran24

  14. Add me I’m perdsmann no profile pic yet

  15. Please add me I have no friends on here username snakeman1934 or Kevin keller thanks.

  16. Add me please I need some friends username snakeman1934 or Kevin keller thanks.

  17. Add me, i play hourly , im active all day. ElhamAz0

  18. add me rutan50_06896 over 400 snake eggs to give away. play hourly

  19. Its amazing add me as friend name:deletedbob

  20. Jeremy I sent you a request send eggs

  21. I’m a daily player and I’m needing more friends.. I’ve already added some people of here.. If you want to add me, go ahead!

  22. I’m new and I need more friends. My id: deahdisaster

  23. Hello, please, do You know the name of melody, which is “singing” Homer in cutscene, when You build House tree? Thank You

  24. Hi,

    I’m at level 30 and can’t get Bart to complete the skip school job. Every time I start it, 8 hours later Bart has the thumbs up, but clicking on the icon does nothing. Bart then carries on skipping school till I put the tree house into storage and back out. Bart then is reset. It seems to be only the 8 hour job that’s bugged, I’ve got the skip school task to complete for Bart, don’t know if this is what’s causing the issue.

    Crispycritteruk9 is the game name.

  25. Add me Cakerella!

  26. I’m new…anyone can add. e if you like…roses756

  27. I’m new anyone can add me if you like.

  28. Wilken1223 add me I play daily

  29. add me rhysruels

  30. also level 16

  31. Add me – lauraxamyx

  32. Please add me tinawalker202

  33. add me stusianlil868 daily player

  34. add me neale123

  35. add me ivan_fwp14392

  36. Add me!! I play every day

  37. add me lima2513

  38. Currently addicted. Add me: Direwolf_PR

  39. add me


    :) xx

  40. Add me meeks_matthew

  41. Add me loads of presents to give away every day multi player username is fonzie786
    thanks a million

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