The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Bart’s Tree House
To get Bart’s Tree House in The Simpsons: Tapped Out you must be at least level 12 and have completed all the quests up to the point about Milhouse and Lisa walking to school. This quest is named Bart Crusoe Pt. 2, which is a quest from Milhouse and Lisa.We have heard the cry of others players thinking that this quest is from Homer but it is not. If you are unable or cannot get access to Bart’s Tree House then it is most likely that some of the quest’s requirements are not satisfied.
If you play The Simpsons: Tapped Out a lot, and often rush your characters directly into another job that will prevent you from getting more quests because the system needs time to go through what you have done. Simply make sure that you don’t put your characters straight into a job after a few hours and some times all of your characters will activate. Since this quest requires you to have Milhouse and Lisa it is suggested that you let them walk around for a bit to see if the quest will pop up. Hope that solves problems or bugs for players that cannot get Bart’s Tree House.
Regardless, once you have achieved the requirements for the Bart’s Tree House you can begin building it and once it has finish Bart Simpson will join your Tapped Out town with his skateboard. Unlocking Bart’s Tree House will also unlock Milhouse’s 24 hour job which is to have a sleep over which gives you quite a bit of income for not checking your iPad for a day or two.
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- tapped out Bart
- bart tapped out
- bart crusoe
- how do you get bart in tapped out
- simpsons tapped out bart crusoe
- simpsons tapped out barts tree house
- barts treehouse tapped out
- bart crusoe part 2
- tapped out when do you get bart
- what quest unlocks barts treehouse
- where is bart on simpsons tapped out
- simpsons app how to get bart
- simpson tapped out where is bart
- How to unlock Barts treehouse Simpsons tapped out
- how to unlock barts treehouse simpsons out
I’m at level 13 and I’m pretty sure that I completed the Milhouse and Lisa challange but I can’t unlock the treehouse.
No it’s a different mission not thrill house
Add me andrew98h
i will not add you
your a turd face crap poo
Add me adelgadillo82
Is it possible to get Bart without adding friends? I don’t currently have an account and don’t really want to create one.
i have found the solution for so long i have been waiting how to find it and i did you need to build the power plant the whole thing and then make homer do a 16 h shift and then it will go to a cut scene then milhouse and lisa want to go to school together again to find out where bart is and thats hows its done
Im lv 13 and done all my early tasks but I still don’t have Bart in my Springfield so wtf am I doin wrong to not get him?
Continue trying to advance. The game is set in a way where you must complete all quests to unlock any other quests so there must be a quest you’ve missed.
I’m on level 13 done all quests that are present for Lisa and Milhouse, still no Bart? What now, they are all walking around aimlessly.
I’ve got the same problem. I’m already in level 14 and still no Bart. Lisa and Millhouse did all of there jobs. No i must build the android dungeon but it is also locked!!
i’m stuck too..i am building the control tower now and have the school, willie and everything else up to those points (i believe) ..i had everyone just walking around aimlessly for hours and just sent skinner on a bird watch but no other quest came up..
My husband and I had problems with this too but we just kept sending them on jobs until it just popped up. I kept sending the two to school repeatedly until it popped up for me. After they have the quest for part 1 to go to school, then part 2 is to build the treehouse. It doesn’t take any time at all to build it, just like placing a regular tree, but it does cost a lot of money. Once Bart is here, part 3 is to have him skip school, which is what I am currently doing now.
There must be a glitch in the system because everyone seems to all be having this problem. The plant is all build so homer is working. But everyone else has been walking around. I can’t complete android’s mission with the dream house because I am unable to unlock him either.
I’m having the same problem
rkj05 thank you.
On level 13 but dont have bart nor can i unlock the dungeon task :-/
also can someone please add me? I have no friends.
I’m having the same problem. Millhouse and Lisa has been walking around all day and I still don’t have a quest for Bart’s treehouse. Anyone have any idea how to fix this?
Also you add me ErnestK
i’m at level 13, nearly 14.. and i can’t seem to unlock androids dungeon/ comic man guy & i also can’t get bart’s tree house…
half of my quests that keep coming up are for cletus & mr burns
if this is happening to you please comment back, if not please explain to me what’s happening
Adele and Ernest I’m having the same problem getting Bart’s Treehouse unlocked. I completed the Bart Crusoe Pt. 1 making Lisa and Millhouse go to school but can’t get further with that task. I let them roam around without jobs and its still not prompting the task.
I have now conquered the treehouse bit
, i just want to unlock the comic man guy & his store as that is a task that is just sat waiting on the task book!
Adele how did you get barts tree house? You have to get Java serves which is a cafe and them you unlock comic guy.
what i did was send milhouse & lisa to school and it should go from there & how do i get java serves? i’ve just started building the library, is this anything to do with it?
thanks for the help (:
add me as a neighbour if you like
how did you get the quest for the library? I’ve been wondering who it comes from and it’s irritating me…..
I am also having the same problem among others! I have the quest to get the comic book store through the Halloween one, but haven’t been able to get Bart’s tree house or the library, and I have just reached level 15! I haven’t tried having my characters do nothing for a whole yet but by the sounds of it this isn’t working for anyone! If someone comes up with something please let us know! The only quests I am getting at the moment are for cleatus and the occasional mr burns (currently just got homer working) thanks!
Hi everyone! I posted this yesterday, but I have now some how gotten the quest where Bart and Lisa go to school together! I remember that I have already done this before but it obviously didn’t work the first time!
At first I tried to let all my characters do nothing, but only left it for about half a day until I got over it and no quests came up, so I decided to send Lisa and Mulhouse to school together anyway! But after that still nothing happened, so I only sent milhouse to school and just had Lisa play the sax and then this morning I got the quest for them to go to school together! I’m hoping at the end of it I can get Bart and hopefully from there ill get the library and the comic store! I will let people know if this works!
Add me need help on this lvl 14 no part and comic book store help
Akuerner username
add me tcooper566
Hi. I sold a few things to get money but I think I sold the tree house w Bart in it how do I get them back
I am on level 15, also tried letting everyone just walk around with no jobs.. Still no bart! Im so aggravated!
I am on level 13 and still no Bart Treehouse, add me on umesh-jason
I got Bart and then he dissapeard again?
you need to build the power plant the whole thing and then make homer do a 16h shift and run the plant or whatever it is called then it will go to a cut scene and then lisa will say mom isnt here neither is bart then milhouse and lisa both say lets go to school and figure out where bart could be and thus after that you can build it its 25000 dollars but doesnt take any time to build just straight away so thats good anyway i hope this helps you all as i searched for a while so good lukc everyone
add me i will accept in 12 hours! cw28