The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Box of Fireworks


The Box of Fireworks is an item released on June 28 2013 to celebrate Independence Day on July 4. It was originally released in 2013 and is a premium item that can be purchased in the game using premium currency, donuts.

This item is a limited time item which means the item will be removed from the store after the event and will no longer be accessible in the game. You will need to wait until the next time this item is re-enabled for purchase to be able to buy this item for your Tapped Out city.

Reach Level 5
2.25% bonus money and XP to all Jobs

The Simpsons Tapped Out – Box of Fireworks

Release Date:
June 28 2013

Buying Price:
50The Simpsons Tapped Out – Donuts

Build Time: —-


VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Value
Rating: 4.0/5 (1 vote cast)

Item Information

The Box of Fireworks is better known as a decoration and can be obtained both in the decorations section of the store or under “premium stuff”. You need to purchase this decoration using donuts which means you cannot simply use the money you’ve earned in game.

It is accessible at level 5 and will give 2.25% bonus money and XP to all jobs for your Tapped Out city.

If you do not see this item in the game then that means the item has expired and you will need to wait until the next event with this decoration to be able to purchase one for your game.

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  5 Responses to “The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Box of Fireworks”

  1. I Got it for free

  2. Do they disappear after the limited time, or do they remain in your game and you can only buy them at certain times

  3. You can get this premium item free by completing the Independence Day tasks in the game. It’s a nice add which shoots off small fireworks when tapped.

    I can be added at boodleduggers.

  4. How do I get all these quests? I missed tons of them. I do start more jobs after they complete them. Should I not? Wondering

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