The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Burns Monster
The Burns Monster is part of the Treehouse of Horror XXIII menu and is a monster that looks similar to Mr. Burns and a frog. This character is like the Talking Krusty Doll and The Raven. There is no jobs for this character and once purchased, he will unlock different quests for various characters.
Requires: Bad Dream House Pt. 1 Mr. Burns’ freaky counterpart from hell.
First Release: Oct 4 2012
Classification: Treehouse of Horror XXIII
Job List: None
Buying Price: 300 Treats
This character is not a costume and is not part of Mr. Burns in any way.
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- the simpson tapped out burns monster
- simpsons tapped out burns monster
- burns monster simpsons
Any tips on getting more treats? I have a quest to unlock burns and the heck house but only have 70 treats.
Get some mausoleums. They give you 15 zombies every 8 hours giving you more eggs, tp, and treats but they cost 60 donughts.
I have unlocked burns monster but saying I still have te challenge to do help on y plz
anyone can add me as a friend on simpsons ishapeach1
Visit friends towns, you can egg and paper their buildings, which sometimes drop treats. Build the two cemeteries, they spawn zombies which can be squished for treats, eggs and toilet paper.
when you visit friends, look for their cemetaries, bad dream house and Ned's evil store. If there is a candy on top (money for cemetary), these will give you a candy most of the time or TP or eggs. If there is less than three of these, click the one (or two) collect your prize, then leave your friend's town and come back: the candy on top will be back to click it again!