The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Heck House


The Heck House is an “costume” for the First Church of Springfield. You can switch between the two using one building. You do not have to rebuild another building for your Tapped Out City.

A demonic facade for the First Church of Springfield.

The Simpsons Tapped Out - Heck House

First Release: Oct 4 2012


Requires: Bad Dream House Pt. 1

Buying Price: 300 treats


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  2 Responses to “The Simpsons: Tapped Out – Heck House”

  1. This is a different face for the church that can be switched for appearance. It also allows children to perform an 8 hour job for candy which is better than the 12 & 16 hour jobs if you are desperately trying to rack up candy before the cut off time.

  2. I Completely Agree But Do You Need The First Church Of Springfeild Cos It Say I Can Buy It Even Tho I Don’t Have The Church

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